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A few more months passed. The baby was due anytime this week. It was Friday already.

I decided to go to Sakura's house. Ever since Omega left, she helped and supported me. We were in the kitchen chatting over some burgers.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and bent over from the pain.

"Sis are you ok!?"

"Yeah, it's just a ki-"

Another kick. I screamed from the pain.

"OMG! Is it coming!?"

"I don't k-"

I felt water all over my legs. My water broke.

"Ah crapbaskets..."

My sister set me in the bed and rushed to get towels and water. When she came back, we started the process. I breath heavily.

"Ok. 1...2...3!"

I pushed and screamed. The pain was too much! Killtime came out more easily.

"Ok again. 1...2...3!"

I pushed more, my screams getting louder by the second. Was giving birth to a full blooded saiyan really this painful!?

"Great! I can see the head! One more time! 1...2...3!"

I pushed with everything I had. The pain was unbearable. I stopped when I heard the crying of a child.

"Congrats sis!" Sakura said while cleaning him, "You had a healthy baby boy."

I sighed in relief. Finally.

"W-who does he l-look like?" I panted.

"Well he looks mostly like Vegeta but he looks a bit like you."

I smiled. This was my fourth child. I wondered how the girls and Killtime would take it.

"So what are you gonna name him?" I heard my friend Michael ask.

"Michael? How did you get here?"

"The door was opened."


I still hadn't chosen a name for him yet. Sakura and Michael were chatting as I thought it over. She put him in my arms. He was so cute.

"Hmm...what should I name you? How about Veggie? No no...too weird. Vega? No that's a girl's name..."

My sister and Michael kept talking until I gasped. I got it!

"I know! I'll name you Prince!"

He giggled at the name. He liked it, so did I.

"Prince? That's a perfect name!" Sakura smiled.

"Prince...pretty cool." Michael said.

"It's official then. Prince it is!"

I smiled at my son. It really fitted him. His father was an elite and prince of the entire race. But it's strange really.

An elite, a prince, had a child with a low class fighter. So what would Prince be? An elite like his father or a low class like his mother?

I decided to ignore the problem. It didn't matter which category he falls into. He'll still be my son.

But where was Vegeta? I asked Whis a few times but he didn't know. Plus he said that I was "cheating on Vegeta." How? Him and I aren't a couple. Yes we had sex, yes I did like him and yes we did have a baby but we weren't a couple. What did he mean?

I sighed and laid tiredly on the bed. Prince sleeping in my arms. He was so peaceful. I only had one thing to say.

"Welcome to the world, Prince."

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