The Wedding

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It was finally time. The day of the wedding had arrived. While I was on my way to Sakura's house to get ready, I bumped into Omega.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

I remember a few days ago that Silvianna told me that he raped her and got her pregnant. Of course I was furious because I never got over him, but now I am.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just-"

"I don't want to hear it you bastard! I can't believe even after you dumped me I still loved you! And after what you did to my sister I am certain as hell ain't gonna care anymore!" I yelled.

"What are you... Oh. That."

"Yes! That! You bitch! I never want to see you again!"

I flew away not letting him say another word, but he teleported in front if me and grabbed my arm. I struggled to break free and his grip tightened.

"Let go!" I shouted.

"No. You need to hear this. I'm sorry for hurting you. It hurt me to leave you and I regretted it ever since. I still love you, and I want you to be with me."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but you're too late. I'm already taken by someone else and we're getting married later today."

I finally broke free from his grip and used Instant Transmission. I appeared in front of Sakura's house and sighed in deep relieve.

Without another thought, I entered the house and slammed the door behind me. Sakura jumped and turned around to see me leaning and panting against the door.

"Sis, you ok?"

"Omega is following me. After the shut he did, he expects me to love him again. What a jerk..." I said.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Just ignore him for now. The wedding starts in a few hours so we gotta get you ready."

Oh great, the thing I hate the most. Dressing up. She grabbed me and pulled me into her bedroom. She gave me the dress she designed and I put it on. It was beautiful. Then she sat me down and started styling my hair. Finally she put the veil.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. It was perfect. Then we went to the ceremony.


We made it to the ceremony. The music began as I walked slowly down the aisle. Sakura also did the decorations. It was wonderful. When I reached the alter, I flashed a smile at Guillermo. He smiled back.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today to celebrate the union of Guillermo the Saiyan and Kohlra the Saiyan. If there is anyone who thinks these two should not be wedded, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Everyone, even my friends of whom some were in love with me, stayed silent.

"Um... I have a few words to say to the girl I love." Guillermo said.

I wide eyed him, curious if what he was going to say.

"Kohlra, since we first met you always made me happy. Nobody is going to steal you. After we started dating, you always cheered me up without a tear fall. I always will and do love you."

I blushed at his words. No one has ever said that to me before. I smiled at him, tears filling my eyes.

"Oh Guillermo... May I say something?"

Sakura, the pastor, nodded.

"Guillermo, all I've ever known in life was hate, anger and heartbreak. I thought I'd never get over all the people who onced loved me. But when you came, I finally felt happy. I love you, and I always will. I want to raise our son and future children together for the rest if our lives. No matter what happens, I will always love you and no one will love you more than me."

I saw tears in my sister's eyes and chuckled.

"Now then... Guillermo, do you take Kohlra as your lovely wedded wife? To be with her at all times. Through sickness and in health, life and death, rich or poor?"

"I do." he said.

"And Kohlra, do you take Guillermo as your lively wedded husband? To care for him and love him. To be with him at all times. Through sickness and in health, life and death, rich or poor?"

"I do." I smiled.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

I quickly pulled him into a deep kiss and he kissed back. We smiled at each other.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

Everyone cheered. Some cried tears of joy, others happily at the cake Sakura made and others congratulated us. I was so happy.

After the ceremony, we went to a hotel Sakura had toold us about. She said she reserved a suite for our honeymoon. When we entered the room, he laid in the bed. I laid next to him and whispered in his ear.

"Can we make a baby now?" I asked blushing.

He looked at me silently before smiling then nodding.


We took off our clothes and he started to fuck me. I've never felt so happy in my life.

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