Ascar vs Kohlra Part 1

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A few months later, I woke up and saw Guillermo smiling at me.

"Good morning my Sleeping Beauty."

"Good morning my sweet prince." I chuckled.

"I already dropped off Guillermo Jr and Prince at school and fed Escar. You just relax today."

"Ok. Thank you honey."

I got out of bed and ate breakfast. Afterwards, I sat on the couch with Escar sleeping peacefully on my lap. Guillermo was in the new Gravity Chamber Bulma had put in our home a few weeks ago. He sometimes trains until dinner which worries me. I know why he does these things, to protect us, but it's unhealthy. I sighed and laid back until I heard him come out of the chamber.

"I gotta go visit Kakarot. Prince and Guillermo Jr are suppose to come back by bus so don't worry to much."

"Ok then. Have fun!"

He smiled and walked out the door. Escar started squirming not too long after and I went into the kitchen to feed her.

Guillermo Jr's POV

After Papa had dropped us off, Prince and I walked to the cafeteria.

"Now listen closely little brother, just stay with me and everything will be fine. And if we get seperated, don't let anyone push you around. Blast them and show them the warrior you are." Prince said.

I nodded and smiled. Then this group of bigger kids showed up. They didn't look very friendly.

"Hey Prince, you hanging with chumps now?"

"This isn't a chump Faro, this is my little brother Guillermo Jr and you will show respect to him or else." Prince gave them that same glare my mom and aunt give each other in an argument.

They called it a "death glare." One of them frowned.

"Is that so? Well then, I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this."

He held a ki blast at me and fired it. I ducked in fear until Prince backhanded it away causing the walls to explode.

"Leave us alone or else I'll show you the might of my father's pride, me."

He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Come little brother, we're gonna be late."

He helped me up and we walked passed the group of kids to class. The teacher came in not too long after we arrived.

He looked nice. He wore a poka dot shirt, blue pants and he had neat looking glasses.

"Hello class. Today we have a new student," he said looking at me, "Would you mind introducing yourself?"

I stood up nervously and looked around the classroom. I saw Prince smile and mouth the words 'Go ahead, it'll be ok.' I smiled.

"My name is Guillermo the Saiyan Jr, son of Guillermo and Kohlra the Saiyan. And younger brother of Prince the Saiyan."

All the kids starred at Prince who smirked proudly.

"So Guillermo, tell us some things about yourself."

"Well... I live in a big house with a Gravity Chamber, several bedrooms, a pool, a big yard and the living room and kitchen is gigantic!"

"Interesting. Well thank you for sharing with us. You may sit."

I took my seat and sighed in relief. Prince elbowed me lightly.

"Nice work brother. You did good."

"Thanks Prince."

I had a feeling this was going to be a great day.

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