Vegito vs Guillermo

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The next day I was in the streets of West City with Guillermo. The kids were at school and we wanted to spend some quality time together. So we just walked along the streets.

It was quite a wonderful day. The sun was shining gracefully on the green leaves if the trees planted around the city. The sound of children's laughter was like music to my ears.

Not too far from us, right across the street actually, was my friend Vegito. Not my father of course, this one was from my dimension. He was a very good friend of mine, a long time pal.

"Hey Vegito!" I yelled waving.

He smiled and walked over to me. That same old smirk of his, what a guy.

"Hey Kohlra, what's up?"

"Not much, just strolling down the street. How are ya?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

I smiled. His confidence and cool personality being similar to mine is probably what made us such great friends. Guillermo walked over not looking very happy.

"Oh, Vegito. What brings you here?"

"I'm just talking to Kohlra so calm yourself." Vegito scowled.

Oh boy, this wasn't going to end well. I knew that Guillermo and Vegito hated each other. Every time Vegito talked to me, he'd always say 'Kohlra can you please tell that boyfriend of yours to shut his pipe hole for once?' and junk like that.

"Shut up. I don't care if you're talking to her, we still didn't get to finish that fight."

Vegito pushed me to the side. Him and Guillermo were in each other's face. Oh no, this is bad.

"You shut up dumbass. I'm far stronger than you, I don't need to fight you to prove so."

"You're the dumbass dumbass. I thought you'd love to fight me since you're Goku and Vegeta and I'm Goku from another dimension."

"I am neither Goku nor Vegeta moron."

"Whatever. You're just jealous cause Kohlra and I are getting married and you love her and she loves me."

That was how most of their arguments started. It was either over who's stronger or who is the better man for me. I swear I feel like a prize, and I'm not liking it.

"For the last fucking time, I'm not jealous! You're jealous cause I know how to treat her right."

Oh brother...

"And who's gonna back up that theory huh?"

"Lord Beerus even said it himself baka!"

Wait, I remembered now. It was when I first saw these two fighting. Lord Beerus and I were talking until we heard Guillermo and Vegito arguing. It was strange what he said.

"Well, what did Lord Beerus say then?"

"He said to Kohlra, 'Vegito here is showing the loyalty and protection he would've gave you if he was still into you. He is in love and not in love at the same time. But Guillermo over there is jealous and doesn't know how to give you such loyalty and protection.' Didn't you hear him!?"

Actually that quote was bias. Everything was correct except for the last part. What Beerus actually said was 'Guillermo over there is jealous because he wants you all to himself and doesn't want to lose you to anyone else.' That was understandable. I am pregnant with his child and I am engaged to him. So it made sense.

They continued arguing over who is better until I finally cut in.


I was born with a large temper. When I was younger, everyone in my class feared me including the boys. No one liked it when I was angry.

They finally settled down and Vegito left. I'd have to apologize to him later, it wad almost time to pick up the children.

We went back home after taking them from school and I laid tiredly on the sofa. It was quite a long day.

Oh no! I almost forgot! I promised to hang out with Cell today! Crap and Guillermo got me so horny earlier on our way to the school.

I got up and headed outside as quickly as possible. I better make a good excuse.

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