The Great Saiyawoman!

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I strolled through town the next day with Guillermo Jr, Prince and Escar It had been a few months since her birth and she was so adorable. Prince and Guillermo Jr fought a few times, but they are just like their fathers.

I was just walking down the street, quite annoyed that the two boys were arguing again which made their sister cry. Then a man walked up to me and pointed guns at us.

"Now hand over your money and no one gets hurt!"

I gave him a bored expression that clearly said 'are you fucking serious?". Next thing I know, he was kicked to the ground by Gohan who was in that outfit...again.

"Fear not citiz-"

"Cut the act. I know who you really are."

"Oh, heheh. You gotta be more careful though."

"He's just an idiot human. Obviously he's not a big threat to me."

"You have a point but I gave a favor to ask you. There are a lot more bad guys around now that Videl isn't helping me since she's pregnant but I need someone to help me. So, what do ya sat? Wanna be 'The Great Saiyanwoman'? I got your outfit ready for ya."

Ok. So I have two options here. One, raise the kids around a neighborhood that's dangerous as fuck. Two, become a dressed up weirdo who dances around in tights like a ballerina and protect the world, my family, friends and kids.

"Sure." I said.

"Great! Just come over to my house when you have time. See ya!" he said flying away.

I sighed and continued walking until I got home. Guillermo was there and he smiled as he saw me.

"Hey you're home early."

"We bumped into Gohan doing his Saiyanman thing."

"Oh. Haha, that's my nephew alright.!" he laughed.

"Well he asked me to be 'The Great Saiyanwoman' to help him protect the world while Videl's pregnant and I agreed so I might cone home a little late."

"Ok then. I guess I'll watch the kids."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well I gotta go get that outfit. See ya in a bit." I said walking to the door.

He followed and gave me a kiss goodbye.

"I bet it'll look sexy on you." he whispered.

I slightly blushed and hugged him before flying to Goku's house.


I landed in front of the small house that laid on top of the hill. It was nice, weird how Chichi has been able to handle three Saiyan males if she's just one female human. I knocked on the door and Chichi opened it.

"Oh, hi um...who are you?"

"Hi Chichi. You probably don't know this but I'm your sister-in-law. I married Goku's brother, Guillermo so..."

"Oh, so you're a Saiyan huh? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be taking care of your daughter?"

"Guillermo's watching the kids. I know he's capable of it too."

"I wish I had a husband who'd volunteered to watch our kids instead of giving them away to Piccolo to look after."

"Yeah. Well Gohan said he wanted to talk to me earlier so here I am."

"Right. Gohan! Your aunt is here to talk to you!"

Gohan cane running from his room and smiled.

"Hi Ko- oh I mean Aunt Kohlra. Cone inside."

I entered the house and he lead me to his room. Then he pulled out an outfit just like Videl's from his closet.

"Here it is!"

I sweat dropped, laughing and scratching the back of my head nervously.

"Pretty cool." I said.

I put it in a small bag and exited the house. Then waved goodbye before taking off towards home.


I got home and put the outfit away. After dinner, the kids went to bed and I laid tiredly in my room. Guillermo came in in nothing but his boxers and cuddled me from behind purring and licking my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked blushing slightly.

"Can we just have one round?"

"Fine, but you better wear protection this time cause I don't want anymore kids for a long time."


He slid the straps of my nightgown off and nibbled on my neck causing me to moan. That night, I was knocked out like light completely naked under the shhets of the bed cuddling with my husband.

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