Meeting HIM

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AR, morning 9:30:- 

AR is in chaos today, everyone are roaming here and there to make everything perfect before their boss steps into office. Some are excited to see their boss for the first time, some are scared knowing his anger, ruthlessness. 

In sharma house:- 

"Khushi. Come have breakfast" Radha sharma called her.

"Ma, i am getting late. Got to go" Khushi said as soon as she reached living room.

"But, you didnt ate anything. You will fall sick by skipping breakfast" Radha said lovingly.

"Ma, today i have lot of work in office. I cant Afford to go late. I will grab something in office. Bye" Khushi told kissing radha cheek. She went out and started her bike to reach her destination. Though they are rich, she dont like to flaunt it. She wants to be independent. So, she is working in AR as PA of  Unknown CEO. Its been two years since she started working in AR. She will report to Lokesh Kumar who is head of delhi branch. 

She stepped into office to witness panic in everyone's face. She walked to receptionist Lisa.

"Hey Lisa, good morning. Why office is on fire today?" Khushi asked casually.

"Very very bad morning khushi, Our CEO came to AR for the first time." Lisa said.

"Oh my god. ASR came? When?" Khushi asked shocked.

"Just 30 minutes back. He directly went to his cabin. He is smoking hot you know. And ya he asked for his PA that is you to report him asap." Lisa said with dreamy look.

"I am PA of Lokesh sir right?" Khushi asked her.

"Lokesh sir got retired as ASR came back to india. So, technically you will report to ASR" Lisa informed.

"Hey Devimayya. I am late today. What will he think of me now?" Khushi told looking at devimayya idle. 

"You are wasting your time by self talk now instead of reporting him" Lisa urged her.

Without wasting a minute khushi went to lift to reach 30th floor. She is feeling odd today, like something is going to change drastically.

Meanwhile on 30th Floor:-

ASR stood there like a lion waiting for his prey to enter in his territory. 

"Welcome Khushi Kumari Guptha or shall i say Khushi Rohan Sharma. Welcome to HELL. I will make sure to wipe off that sinful smile from your face. It took me five years to come out of grief in which you and your family pushed me. That time i was arnav who was madly in love with you, believed your parents but now i am ASR. I am living only in thirst of revenge khushi and i am going to get it." ASR said to himself by looking at monitor where visuals from security camera is visible.

He closed his eyes to remember last time he met her.


"Khushi Please listen to me, i am not lying. Your father is culprit of my parents. Trust me. Trust your love" Arnav begged her standing in Guptha Mansion.

"Arnav, dont you dare to say bad about my father" Khushi said making a devilish smirk form on shashi face.

"Khushi, jaan. Listen to me he is playing with you. Come with me, we will go away leaving everyone. You know how much i love you. Right?" Arnav asked desperately. He cant loose her. 

"Never, I will never come with you. I cant destroy my father reputation. He is my everything. Most importantly i cant leave him at this condition. He needs me now" Khushi said breaking arnav's heart piece by piece not knowing her fathers true colors. 

"Khushi, your father is using you. He dont love you. He is a bastard, monster. He killed ..." Before he can say anything a slap landed on his cheek. He looked up to see his love breathing fire. Her slap didnt hit his face but his heart. 

"Leave arnav. I will do whatever my father says. I am going to marry Rohan sharma, who is rich, who have morals, who knows how to respect elders, who knows values unlike you." She said. 

 "I cant live without you khushi" He said in tears with final hope.

"Then go and die. I dont care" She said most cruel words and left from there. A too numb arnav left from there after loosing every hope in his life.

Flashback ends******

"Then go and die" Words ringed in his ears making it hard to breath for him. How much he loved her, adored her, cared her, respected her and trusted her but all he got in return is hate, disgust, dont care, distrust. 

He cant forgot what she did to him. He cant forgive her. 

His thought got disturbed by knock on door.

"Come in" He said in cold voice, he is still looking out of glass wall. So khushi can only able to see is arnav's back.

"Sir, I am khushi. Your personal assistant" Khushi said politely. Her breath got hitched seeing him turning to her. Tears formed in her eyes, her heart stopped beating for an instance looking at his face.

"Mrs. Sharma, if you came here to look at my face. Then get lost from here" He shouted angrily.

"Arnav??" She said coming out of numb state.

"Mrs. Sharma, if you dont know i am your boss. Call me ASR or Sir" He said, She can sense hatred in his voice.

"Sorry.. sir" She said not knowing for what she is apologizing.

"Your office starts at 9:30AM But you reached here by 10 AM. I hate late comers and liars. " He said sharply.

"Sorry again sir" She stumbled searching for correct words.

"Will your sorry bring back anything? Stop saying bloody sorry and get back to work. Go to aman and collect my routine. I want everything to be perfect. I dont like saying things twice. I hate laziness. As a punishment of coming 30 minutes late, you are going to work 1 hour extra in evening. Now get out" He said as fast as he can, he dont want to see her face more. And also somewhere in corner of his heart her tears are affecting him but he wont admit it.

She nodded head briefly and turned to leave. She was about to open the door, she stopped listening him.

"And i hate betrayers. If you dare to cross me this time, i dont need to say what i will do to you. do i?" He said bringing more tears in her eyes. His heart twitched seeing her pain, he cant help it. He needs this, he want to hurt her. He cant supposed to be weak now. He wants to destroy her. He cant feel like this for her, hell he dont have any rights to feel anything for her except hate. She is another person's wife. She is not his anymore. He came back to present seeing her nodding head.

"I need words Mrs. Sharma" He ordered. 

"Yes sir" She said and ran from there to her cabin. 


Hello guys. This story is bit emotional. As you all know i like happy endings. So end of the story will be arshi. Dont doubt on it. But there will be a very loong journey, we had to see their past love, present hatred, future. Lets see how they will fight for each other or fight with each other in next chapters. 

Please ignore grammatical errors and typos.

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