Moved On

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Story Continuous from Khushi's POV

"Why you want to punish shashi now? Why suddenly after five years? Why not before? What were you waiting for?" Arnav asked me, i kept silent not knowing how to answer him.

"I need answers khushi. NOW" He said making me gulp. I am unable to form a sentence. Arnav stopped car and looked at me, even aman bhai is looking at me.

"Arnav why cant we forget what happened 5 years back and move on. Cant we be friends again?" I asked changing topic. I dont want to reveal it to anyone.

"Forget about it? How khushi? How can i forgot our love? How can i forgot our friendship, our sweet moments, OUR parents? If only you didnt changed your mind and followed your father words, we would have been happy couple on earth. We would be enjoying with our parents and aman. You shouldnt be in unwanted marriage. Why khushi?" He questioned me with tears. 

He is right, if only i didnt trusted my father i would have been happy with arnav, aman bhai and their parents. How can i do that? In this anger also he is referring his parents as mine. He still regretting about those incidents. He is still thinking about US and our love. How can he be this good. I dont deserve him, his love. I dont deserve anyone's love. He need to accept la whole heartedly and be happy forgetting his past.

"Please arnav, for god sake i am a married women. Forgot about past and move on. You have a life ahead. Only thing i can offer you at this stage is friendship that too because our goal is same. We have to destroy shashi. Thats it. I am divorcing rohan because he is a cheater." I said keeping a stone in my heart.

"That means you would have moved on if rohan is a good guy?" Arnav asked with so many emotions. Like this is the last question to leave hopes on me.

"Yes" I said and looked out of window. I heard car window open and closed with bang, i know arnav left car but i cant look into his direction. I hurt him again but this time for his own good. 

"Khushi" Aman bhai who is silent spectator of our conversation called my name. I composed myself and looked at him.

"I am tired khushi. I am tired of this game. I dont want both of you to hurt yourselves. Please say truth khushi" Aman bhai begged him, i felt bad for him. I know how much he is suffering between me and arnav.

"Please bhai. Dont ask me anything. Only truth is that i have moved on. Please help arnav to move on bhai. I will help you on it" I said to him. 

"Ok, please dont hurt him more. He cant live it" Aman bhai said and left. I cried listening to him. Why am i hurting my loved one's. 

I got down and realized we are in RM. I went in, la who is sitting beside aman in couch looked at me.

"Khushi, where were you three?" She asked coming near me.

"Were you crying?" She said looking at my face. She is good lady, i would be happy if arnav will be happy with her.

"Where is arnav?" I asked in slow voice.

"He is upstairs in his room" La replied handing me a glass of water.

We heard a loud shattering voice.

"I am going to check on him" Aman bhai said and moved away.

"I am sorry, because of me he is hurt" I said to lavanya with so much guilt.

"Its ok khushi. Sometimes we tend to hurt our loved ones unknowingly" She said giving me a much needed hug.

"How can she do this aman? She is ready to move on if rohan is not a bad guy" We heard arnav shout. 

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