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Story continuous from Khushi revealing about arnav parents death to radha.

"Shashi guptha killed rathna ma and aravind uncle,  Arnav parents" Khushi said falling on her knees.

"What? He did what?" Radha asked in shock.

"Yes ma, today only i came to know" Khushi explained her what happened.

"How foolish i was ma. Arnav tried so much to explain ma, i didnt listened. I didnt listened to anyone, i was blind that time. Because of me rathna ma and aravind uncle died. I am reason behind arnav being orphan. I dont deserve their forgiveness ma, i dont deserve their love, i dont deserve  you, i dont deserve anything." Khushi said cried bitterly.

"Beta, calm down. Its not true. You are not reason behind their death. Its that selfish leach shashi guptha" Radha consoled her.

"Still ma, if  only i didnt stepped into his life. They would have been happy" Khushi said.

"Beta, Everything will happen as your devimayya wish. We cant change anything. Please be strong." Radha said.

"Why ma? What is left? Till now i lived in the hope of finding arnav and aman bhai one day for getting their forgiveness. Today i am ashamed to face them. I will resign to my job first" Khushi replied.

"No beta. Its not your choice. Tell me one thing though arnav and aman are shouting on you, did they ever ask you to resign?" Radha asked to which khushi nodded head in no.

"You really think arnav dont know you working in AR? He knows it. They came back searching for their khuchi. They may hate you now but they loved you always. They are hurt. Its your responsibility to heal their wounds caused by your father and you. Fight with them and fight for them, dont stop them to take actions against shashi and rahul, support them, gain their trust. I just want to see you smile like before" Radha said wiping her tears.

"I want you to be with arnav as his wife." radha thought to herself. 

"Now go and take rest." Radha said to which khushi nodded and went to her room. She opened her old album where she stored all their memories. Her eyes stopped at particular picture where rathna is braiding her hair and aravind uncle is feeding her. Arnav and aman are writing her homework.

Her thoughts went back to past where she met them first.

Flash back:- 

Next day of their first meet. Khushi came to school early and searched for arnav. After confirming they didnt reached yet, she went and sat on bench at entrance of school.

After five minutes, she spotted arnav and aman standing at entrance of school along with a couple. She ran to them.

"Annav, aman bhai" She greeted them with bright smile.

"KhuChi" Arnav said to which she pouted cutely.

"Arnav who is she?" Rathna questioned her.

"Annav who is she?" Khushi questioned pointing towards rathna.

"She is my mother. Mumma, khuchi is my friend" Arnav introduced them.

"Hi Khuchi" Rathna said bending down to her level.

"Its shi not chi" Khushi corrected her.

"ohh, khushi its lovely name." Rathna said kissing her forehead. They always wanted to have baby girl but their wish reminded unfilled.

"Who is this long uncle" Khushi said pointing towards aravind. Everyone chuckled at her.

"Its not long. And he is my husband means arnav's father." Rathna said pinching her cheeks.

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