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Story continuous from arshi, aman and lavanya going to office.

Everyone went to their cabin but khushi went to pantry to get arnav's coffee.

"Hi Khushi" Lisa came there.

"Hello lisa, good morning" Khushi wished back.

"You cheated me yaar, i am hurt" Lisa said dramatically making khushi confuse.

"I cheated you?" Khushi repeated.

"Of cource yes. You are wife of our boss but you didnt tell me. We are working together from 2 years yaar." Lisa complained making khushi awkward.

"Ask her like that. How nice they acted as employer and employee being married to each other." Said sheethal coming there with smirk. Few of their colleagues joined them.

"Congratulations khushi. But you could have given hint na? I told many times about ASR to you only" Lisa said with pout. Khushi can feel honesty in lisa words.

"Even me too. I am friend of arnav from past 5 years but he didnt told me. Why? And also why you people were living separately from past 5 years?" Sheethal asked making everyone doubt.

"Ha yes. Why?" Pranay, one of employee asked.

"Guys, its their personal leave it" Lisa said seeing khushi awkward.

"Arey, khushi is our friend. We can ask her anything." Said sheethal.

"Tell khushi, why arnav and you are living separately? You both did forced marriage or you were married to ano..." Sheethal was cut off by a roar.

"Its our personal matter. Why are you showing so interest in it?" Arnav questioned coming there. Sheethal shifted uncomfortably seeing arnav glare.

"Common, speak out. Till now you were talking like a radio now what happened?" He asked with same straight face.

"Oh, arnav i was just asking randomly." She stammered. 

"ASR. Only my wife have right to call me arnav. If anyone wants to know about our personal issues then come straight and ask me." He said without moving eyes from sheethal.

"Come khushi, lets go" Saying arnav held khushi hand and dragged her. They came into his cabin.

"Arnav dont scold sheethal. She loves you that is why she cant able to digest our marriage." She said trying to control his anger.

"Khushi you are good that doesnt mean everyone are good too" He replied.

"Means?" She asked in question mark face.

"Means? She is not in love with me." He declared.


"Listen to me fully" He interrupted her.

"She is not what she shows to others" He said.

"Why are you talking in riddles?" She said annoyed.

"She is leaking AR confidential information to rivals" He revealed.

"What?" Came from three voices at a time. 

"What are you saying arnav?" La questioned coming there.

"Yes, i got this news from jack. I dont have proofs, that is why i transferred her to india." Arnav said.

"Why? We can remove her right?" Aman asked him.

"Nope, sheethal will be useful to us" Arnav said with smirk.

"As in?" Khushi asked eagerly. Arnav smirked more without replying to them.

"What are you planning arnav?" Aman asked understanding reason behind his smirk.

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