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Story continues from party.

"Its not important to arrange party, invite everyone, collect proofs which shows your daughter and me are having illegal affair. It is important to know about the person who is operating camera(Screen). FATHER-IN-LAW." Arnav said smiling towards Vinay, who helped him to find out shashi plan.

"How dare you to do this?" Shashi hissed getting angrier for making his plan flop. He thought to reveal khushi-rohan marriage to everyone and also khushi-arnav pictures. He created all evidences which will prove arnav-khushi guilty. He want to humiliate arnav and send him away leaving everything. And also by this scene, Everyone will sympathize rohan. Even if khushi accused him of being with suhana no one will believe her. 

He thought to hit two birds at one shot but he forgot the person whom he is dealing is not a bird but ASR.

"You are going to regret this boy? Till now i thought to send you away from our lives. But i think i am wrong, i will kill you in the same way i killed your parents." Shashi said which made arnav blood boil. He tightened his fists to control his anger. 

"Dont you dare?" Arnav hissed in low tone. He dont want to get more attention on them.

"Mark my words, i am going to kill your remaining family, your khushi and you. You wont be able to save yourself or others" Shashi said and went away. As they are alone in stage no one heard their words.

Arnav stood there and looked at his family which includes aman, la and radha. His eyes moved towards khushi who stood there without moving a step. Everyone had shocked expressions on their face. 

Arnav's POV:- 

My eyes didnt moved from khushi's face. I can feel many emotions. Guilt, pain and love. Guilt that I am the reason behind khushi's tears. Pain because i can understand which trauma she is undergoing and love, which always was there in my heart for her.

When I came back to take revenge on her, I wanted her to suffer in the same way like I did. All I did was to taunt her nothing more. I dont have capability to hurt khushi. She was, is and always be my khuchi.  When I came to know there is no mistake of khushi then i decided to win her back. I decided to put full stop for her sufferings, my sufferings and our sufferings. 

Yes, I came to know about whole truth of khushi marriage, my parents death, her guilt on the same day of khushi's panic attack. I was there when she was crying in aman's arms. I came back from terrace to check on her but stopped on doorstep hearing her grief. 

I know whatever she did was due to situation. I thought being in her shoes. But what she is doing now is not right. She is spoiling our lives in guilt. There is no fault of khushi in my parents death, even if there is any my parents will forgive her. I too dont know how to convince her this time. 

At that time healing her was more important than my love, i took appointment with doctor for her. I have stopped discussing about my parents and shashi infront of her. I stopped scolding her. 

 I kept in touch with radha ma, she is a wonderful soul. An angel who came to protect my angel(Khushi). According to her, there was no betterment in khushi, she is droning in pain day by day. I have decided to end this soon. 

First i want to know khushi feelings on me, that is why accepted sheethal transfer request. As expected sheethal started clinging to me. I saw changes in khushi's behavior. In beginning days i showed concern towards sheethal ignoring khushi to make her jealous. The other day, i know khushi will come to purple orchids to spoil my date with sheethal. After few days i started flirting with khushi, i saw my effects on her didnt changed even a bit. I got confirmation of her feelings in all ways.

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