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Story continuous from next day of shashi attack on arnav.

In Guptha Mansion:- 

Shashi is pacing in his living hall where as garima sat there seeing him worried.

"That son of bi***, what does he think of himself? He took back his investments from our company. Now our company is going to bankrupt." Shashi hissed.

"We have so much money right shashiji, why are you worried?" Garima asked looking at her nails.

"You stupid woman, we have more debts than properties. Half of the money you spent on pubs, shopping, jewels." Shashi shouted in anger.

"Jewels, where are they? We can sell them and make money for now" Shashi asked eagerly, she stood there gulping without answering.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Actually, i lost them in gambling" She stammered. Shashi slapped her hard.

"You useless women. You and your daughter are enough to ruin my life. Get lost from here" He shouted.

He called rahul and sheethal to his home. They arrived after 30 minutes.

"Hi Uncle" Rahul wished him.

"I am not in mood for wishes" Shashi replied.

"What happened?" Sheethal questioned him.

"Arnav took back investment from my company. In simple words, Guptha industries is going to bankrupt" Shashi said in worry and anger.

"What?" exclaimed rohan.

"Expected" Said sheethal.

"Problem is that i need 5 crore money urgently" Shashi said looking towards them.

"Please dont ask me. My company is also in arnav hands. I have sold all my shares only my mother shares are balance from my side. I am sure she is going to write all shares on khushi name" Rohan said.

"I am also in same stage." Sheethal added.

"Tell me one way to fetch money, i need it for my illegal drug deal." Shashi said annoyingly.

"I have a plan. There is a world famous fashion event is going on. AR and other big companies are going to participate. We can rob designs from AR and sell it to competitors." Sheethal said.

"What if we get caught?" Rohan asked her.

"This is not new to me. Trust me" Said sheethal.

"Ok, please complete it as early as possible. I need money" Shashi said.

"In two days. What are we going to do with arnav and khushi?" Sheethal asked shashi.

"Just yesterday i showed him trailer. Lets wait. We need to get their signature on property papers before killing them" Sashi said evilly.

After talking for few minutes they dismissed and went to their works.

In AR:- 

Arshi, aman and la came to office by 9 AM and started their work.

Arnav and aman are working on designs for fashion event. Khushi and la are doing their work. Sheethal came to arnav cabin.

"Hi ASR" She said coming in.

"Yes" Arnav looked up to her.

"I need designs from you for fashion competition. All our staff gave their details and you approved them." She said politely.

"Ok, they are ready and they are in private room, blue color file. Ask khushi she will fetch it for you" Arnav said. Aman looked at them confused, arent they designing them now?

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