His pain

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Story continuous from lavanya and khushi meet.

"You look so lovely. You will be my friend from now on" Lavanya announced making three of them awkward.

"La, she is not worth of friendship" Arnav said with accusing eyes.

"And how do you know aru?" La said to which khushi dropped coffee tray. She is unable to bear la closeness with arnav. Till 5 years back she is the only girl he loved. Now she is replaced by other.

"What the hell!!" Arnav shouted making her jump in her place.

"You didnt got hurt right?" La asked khushi with concern.

"She know how to hurt others not the other way" Aman said earning a glare from la.

Khushi bent down to pickup glass pieces with heavy heart. Every time she decided to be strong some or other will break her.

"Khush you dont need to do that. Get up." La said but khushi silently picked glasses and didnt looked up. She is afraid once she look up, they will see her tears. Her hand got cut by glass but neither she hissed nor stopped picking glasses.

"Khushi you are bleeding" La shouted bringing everyone attention to her hand which is bleeding profusely. 

"What The!! Cant you be careful dammit" Arnav shouted bending down. He clutched her hand and examined it. 

"Aman bring first..." His words died seeing her teary face. His voice chocked to speak further. He can clearly see the pain in her eyes.

She got up and ran from there without speaking anything. Aman heart clenched seeing his sister in pain but he is helpless. 

"Arnav, whats wrong with you guys? Why are you treating her like this?" La shouted loosing her patience. Till now she never saw arnav or aman treating a women disrespectfully.

"She is KHUSHI" Aman said.

"Yes i know she is khushi" La replied not getting him.

"Oh wait, she is arnav's khushi?" She questioned.

"No, khushi rohan sharma" Arnav replied gritting teeth.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Yes" aman said, arnav left from there to calm his mind.

"Aman why is she working here?" La questioned him.

"She joined AR two years back. Her husband is cheating on her, she dont know it i think. We came to india to take revenge on her, her father and husband" Aman said.

"What the hell? Are you mad?" La shouted.

"Leave it. Arnav needs a closure" Aman said not knowing this closure will be new beginning.

"And i need a help from you" Aman asked hesitantly.

"What?" She barked.

"That, actually khushi thinks you are arnav's girlfriend. Can you please dont disclose truth infront of her?" He pleaded her.

"Aman, you are mad. For got sake i am your fiancé. Arnav is like brother to me. How can i pretend to be his girlfriend?" La questioned him.

"I am not asking you to pretend but not to disclose truth. In process of hurting khushi, arnav is hurting himself. I cant stop him but we can stop khushi. I thought she will leave AR the minute she saw us but no, she stick here. Please help" Aman almost begged her. He can do anything for arnav.

Meanwhile in khushi's cabin:- 

Khushi went and kept hand under running water in restroom.

She felt so helpless to even move. Cut is not so deeper but bleeding is not stopping. Everything got stopped around her and she blacked out. Two hands held her before she collapse on floor.

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