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Story continuous from khushi revealing truth to aman and lavanya.

They came to living hall.

"Bhai, i will leave now" Khushi said looking around to find arnav.

"I will drop you. Your bike didnt arrived yet" Aman said.

"No, i will manage bhai. You are already tired. Take rest" Khushi said.

"I will drop her" Arnav said coming in.

"When did you went out? Where you went?" Aman questioned him.

"Sometime back" Arnav replied without moving his eyes from khushi. Khushi is feeling uncomfortable from his gaze.

"I will drop her arnav, you take rest" Aman said.

"Dont worry aman. I wont eat your sister." Arnav said going out leaving them with no option to argue.

Khushi bid them bye and went out. She saw arnav waiting in car. He engine car once she settled in.

"From when you started getting panic attacks?" He questioned without looking at her, one can clearly see he is seething in anger. Khushi stayed silent as she dont want to lie again.

"I asked you something Mrs. Rohan Sharma?" He asked banging hand on steering wheel lightly which made her flinch.

"vohh....5 years" She replied not wanting to anger him more.

"And you didnt consulted doctor about it? How irresponsible you can be?" He scolded her. Tears formed in her eyes.

"Dont let that damn tears fall from your eyes. I have took appointment from best therapist, you are going to see her." Arnav said with so much authority that she is unable to reject it. Back then she used to argue with him for every single thing but now she is scared of him and his anger.

"When is court hearing for your divorce?" He questioned her.

"This thursday" She replied.

"Dont you know, your father and rohan met judge and requested more time to start court proceeding for divorce?" He asked her.

"What? No? How can court agree to this?" She questioned in shock.

"Court didnt agreed but judge did. He is your fathers friend" Arnav answered her.

"He is planning something big. Be careful" Arnav said halting car as they reached her home. Before she can invite him and bid bye to him, he went out without looking at her.

She went in and saw radha watching television.

"How was your day?" Radha questioned her excitedly. 

"Very very eventful ma" Khushi replied and explained each and everything to radha.

"Khushi, why are you denying your love for arnav? Dont tell me because you are guilt or you are already married or any nonsense" Radha questioned her.

"I dont love him ma, why cant anyone understand this?" Khushi shouted impatiently.

"If you are guilt about you being reason behind rathna and aravind death then forgot it. You didnt killed them And dont forgot the promise you gave to them. You promised to be with arnav at each and every step." Radha reminded her.

"Yes i will be with him but not as a wife or lover, just as a best friend" Khushi said stubbornly.

"You will understand my words and your feeling the moment arnav starts loving other person ignoring you." Radha said and went in. 

Soon its monday, khushi came to office as usual and ordered black coffee for arnav and coffee for aman. She contacted her lawyer who informed her that case hearing has been moved to 2 weeks because of unavoidable reasons. 

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