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Story continuous from khushi confession.

"I LOVE YOU ARNAV, ONLY YOU" She confessed taking his breath away.

"My heart will beat always for you, not for any other man." She added. Arnav too hugged her tight, happy tears are rolling from his eyes. This is the day he is waiting from long. 

"Arnav speak something?" She asked after few minutes.

"I am not getting words to speak khushi" He stammered wiping his tears as well as hers. He made her stand and took her near pool side chair. 

"Sit here" He said to her. He sat on floor holding her hands and keeping them in her lap.

"You remember the day we signed marriage papers?" He asked, she nodded in reply.

"That day i went to lawyer to submit my friend marriage papers but dont know what happened suddenly i submitted ours also. I thought its our devimayya decision. When i came to know your marriage is fixed with rohan, i was full confident you will reject it. That day i came to your home right to convince you, i was shattered with your words. Other side mom and dad left us, aman is in his own pain. I felt alone khushi. I came to temple in hope that you will reject rohan at last minute and come to me" He continued. 

"But nothing like that happened. I got angry, so much angry. You are my kuchi right? how can you marry him. All my father investors started taking back their investments. I cant let dad's hard work go in wain. Aman and me started working day and night to save this company. It took 3 years to stabilize and expand our business. I want to be richer than rohan. I did everything to forgot you but how can i?  You are not just my love, you are my everything."

"At a point of time i got addicted to alcohol and it took aman lot of time to get me back. La was biggest support to us. She took care of me like a kid. She did everything in her range to make me happy but nothing replaced you"

"In anger i decided to destroy everything including you. I planned everything and entered in your life again. Every time i hurt you, my heart was bleeding. I am still that weak arnav who cant bear your tears. At first i thought you were happy with rohan, when i got to know he is cheating on you. I got angry, i should react opposite right?" Khushi nodded head.

"Radha ma made me realize the truth. And that day when you were unconscious and told truth to aman and la. I heard every bit of it. I thought healing you was more important, i took aman help. I knowingly didnt react to sheethal advances. I want to see your reaction, i wan to confirm my old kuchi is still there in you. That day you came to hotel to disturb my date with sheethal, i know you will come. Radha ma updated me everything. On party day, I started war against shashi officially."

"I got to know his plans from my men, first i thought to stop him but he will do something again. Thats why i revealed out marriage. Your reaction was expected. As you said i should have told about our marriage years back but that time i was powerless. Now i am ASR."

"Forget about andrea, sheethal or anyone. There is no place for other women in my heart. Only you are there in it."

"You are the first girl apart from my mother i talked with, you were my only friend in girl, you were my only girlfriend, you were my only love, you are my only wife. No one will change it, not you, not shashi, not your devimayya" He stressed, he kept his head in her lap relaxing. Both felt light after pouring their hearts.

"Arnav, you forgot to say those three words?" Khushi asked impatiently.

"Which three words?" He asked as if really he forgot.

"Those three words i want to hear from you?" She reminded.

"What words khush?" He teased her.

"That only, I LOVE YOU" She said.

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