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Story continuous from sheethal arrest.

Everyone reached home by 10 in night, they saw radha waiting for them in living room.

"Ma, why are up till now?" Arnav asked first.

"I saw news and worried about you all" Said radha.

"We are all fine ma, nothing will happen to us until we are together" Arnav said with smile. Everyone nodded head.

"Ma, you had dinner?" Khushi asked her.

"Yes, HP blackmailed me. If i dont have dinner he will call arnav" Radha said making them smile.

"Of course eating food is important." Khushi said.

"I am tired" La said and kept her head in radha lap.

"What happened beta? Heavy work?" Asked radha.

"Ha ma, managing those models tantrums is not easy" Said la.

"Shall i massage your head?" Radha asked her.

"No its ok" She replied.

"You are inspiration to many women ma. There are ladies who cant take care of their children but you were taking care of us, we never felt alone after you came ma" Aman said. 

"He is right? You are inspiration to many including me" La said.

"Arnav, rohan called me last week but disconnected. He didnt called me again neither he attended my call. I am worried if something happened to him" Radha said.

"Dont worry ma, i will enquire. Nothing will happen to him" Arnav assured her. 

"Everyone are tired, go and sleep." Radha said, everyone got up lazily and left to their rooms.

Arnav went and changed himself into night cloths first. Khushi went after him, he stood at poolside looking at sky.

Khushi came out after few minutes.

"Are you missing ma, papa?" She asked hugging him from back.

"Yes, dad always want to see me successful in business and life. Ma wants my happiness. They want to see us married. Today their wishes got fulfilled but they are not here to see it" He said in low tone. Tears formed in her eyes also.

"Wherever they are, they will see us and be happy at our happiness" she said to console him.

"But they wont be with us right?" He asked turning towards her.

"Who said? They will always be with us. Without them we are nothing" She said.

"I miss them" He said.

"We all do, we are not telling out as we dont want to make you sad" She replied.

"Hmm" He said and embraced her tighter if possible.

"I was very alone few months back without you khushi" He confessed.

"Me too"

"Only aman and la were there. They used to take care of me like their kid. Promise me khushi, even if something happen to me you will take care of them" He said earning a slap from her.

"What stupid words you are uttering. I will kill you" She scolded him.

"This is life, we need to think all ways possible" He replied.

"Shut up, in past you used to scold me if i talk about death" She said.

"So now you are scolding, that means our roles are reversed. Means you will dominate me rest of life?" He teased her to divert topic.

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