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story continuous from khushi entering into RM. 

She spotted la and aman sitting in living hall sofa but arnav is no where in the sight. She took few steps only to halt hearing a voice.

"What are you doing here?" Arnav asked gaining attention of not only khushi but aman and lavanya.

"Aru, i have invited her" La said coming near to them.

"Why?" Arnav and aman asked plainly which made khushi heart pain. The thought that aman and arnav are not happy with her presence pained her.

"What do you mean by why? She is my friend, this is my house. I can invite anyone here" La said which made both men shut their mouth. 

Khushi slowly processed her words. How confident la was when she referred this house as hers. Realization hit her hard. La is arnav's girlfriend. She cant get close to arnav it will create unnecessary problems. She assumed this is the reason behind arnav ignorance towards her.

If that is what arnav wants, she will stay away from them. She will fight her own battles.

"Khushi come in. Dont mind them" La words brought her back out of thoughts. She entered in and handed sweet box given by radha.

"She is such a sweet heart. You are very lucky to have a mother like her" La said praising radha to which khushi just passed small smile.

"Khushi why are you being so silent?" La asked her.

"Nothing La, i am just..." Khushi said searching for answers.

"Ok, leave it lets go to my room" Said la, la kept photo of aman and her's in heart symbol with a tag *soon to be married*. She want to clear to khushi that arnav and she dont have romantic relationship between them. 

"No, talk here only" Aman said guessing la plan. She glared at him. 

"Khushi lets have breakfast" La said dragging her to dining table. Khushi took deep breath reaching dining table remembering about endless chatters with rathna and aravind. How many days she spent here enjoying parents affection, sibling care and arnav love.

Every passing second her wish of taking revenge against shashi is getting stronger. 

"Khushi, come to earth" La shouted and sat beside her. Arnav sat opposite to her while aman took next seat to him.

"La, you were saying something?" Khushi questioned her.

"Yes, what is your favorite breakfast?" La asked her.

"I dont have favorite la" Khushi answered and had her food silently. Arnav and aman both know she is lying but kept silent.

Everyone settled on sofa's after breakfast. 

"I am getting bored. You three are very boring" La complained. She thought by bringing khushi to RM, they may open up and unite. But the wounds deep in their hearts are not ready to heal or may be no one are thinking about those wounds. 

"Lets play truth or dare" La said picking up the bottle much to their annoyance. She turned bottle and it stopped pointing at aman.

"Yes, aman say truth or dare?" La asked him. 

"Truth" Aman said.

"Who is your first crush?" La asked him, aman was never vocal about his feelings.

"My mom" He said plainly and turned bottle. It stopped near arnav.

"Aru truth or dare?" La gave choice.

"Truth" Arnav replied.

"Hmm....Tell me three people whom you miss the most?" La questioned him.

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