Chapter 56

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"I'm leaving." I told Frost as I headed to my bike.

"Do you need assistance mam?" He asked me.

"I don't need help breaking into my own house." I told him.

"I don't doubt you but it's a dangerous time. People like us are disappearing." He told me.

"I am aware of the situation." I reminded him. "And I will be fine."

I started my bike and wasted no time speeding away from the warehouse and towards the outskirts of Gotham where the house I grew up in stood. I was almost clear of the city when a crazy man ran out into the street. I swerved to avoid hitting him which caused the bike to topple over crushing my left leg. The bike skidded a few feet down the street before colliding with a parked car.

"Shit, shit, shit." I could hear the man yelling from across the middle of the street.

I turned my head to look up to see the man had pulled off his beanie and was clutching it to his chest as he looked from me to the cops that had just turned the corner.

"You all right miss?" He asked as he ran over to me. "No, you're not okay. Stupid question!" He yelled at himself.

I looked past him and to the cops that were approaching us. I tried to think of the last time I had anything to eat, and I couldn't. It must have been a while because I was not healing.

"Shit your bleeding! Oh, fuck your leg!" He yelled.

I looked down at my leg to see my bone had snapped and had ripped its way through my skin.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I could hear the cops getting closer.

They would reach us within a minute. If they reached us, they would arrest me. I was hurt enough that they would be able to. I needed to feed.

"Fuck indeed." The man who caused me to crash said.

"Help me." I told the man.

"Look I'm sorry but I can't help you." He said as he turned to run.

"Don't leave me here." I called after him, causing him to turn around.

The cop car in the front of the line had skidded to a stop a few feet away from us.

"You're running from them too?" He asked as he took a step closer to me.

It was closer enough.

"Yes." I answered as I reached out and wrapped my hand around his ankle.

"Help me." I said again.

"Shit your her." He said as he bent down and grabbed me by the armpits lifting me up.

He threw one hand over his shoulder, and I kept my weight on my other leg.

"Don't move!" The cop yelled as he got out of the car and raised his gun at us.

"Shit it's her." The other cop said once he realized who I was.

"Why aren't you healing?" He asked me.

"I need to feed." I answered him.

"Feed on what dear?" He asked.

"On you." I said as I reached out with my good arm and grabbed the back of his head.

I pulled him into me and placed my lips directly on his. For a second, he was frozen in surprise then the next second he tried to kiss me. Misreading the situation then he let out a large gasp as I pulled my lips away from his and his life force with it.

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