Chapter 12

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As I looked into the crowd it was easy to see there was going to be trouble. It had probably been a while since any of them have been alone with a girl. Let alone one who seemed so defenseless.

One big guy stepped forward. He was easily over six feet and had a big belly. The crowed parted as he stepped forward. I did not say anything I gave him no response, but it was clear to see everyone else was scared of him.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" He asked me in a deep voice that made my skin crawl.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"I was thrown in her just like you." I answered his stupid question.

"You have a fresh mouth, girly. I can think of other things you can do with that pretty little mouth." He said to me.

I could not believe what he said, this guy was a real creep.

"I think my mouth is fine just as it is." I answered him.

"Oh don't be like that come give daddy a kiss." I responded.

"You're not my daddy mistah." I told him.

He seemed to be upset by my words. Like he really thought I would walk over and lay one on him.

He only seemed to get angrier as the crowd around him started to laugh.

"If you won't give me a kiss I'll just take one." He told me.

"You can try." I told him knowing that to do so he would have to touch me.

He stormed over to me with such determination I thought he was going to explode. Just as he reached out his hand to grab my head someone came up behind him and slammed his face into the wall next to me. There was a loud crunching noise as his face hit the cold gray bricks. Followed quickly by his screams and the blood that gushed from his broken nose. It wasn't until the giant fell to the ground clutching his face that I saw who it was who came to my aid.

Standing there with an angry look on his face that just screamed danger was the Joker. I could not help but smile as I looked at him standing there.

"Everyone listen up!" He yelled to the crowd.

"The albino in the strait Jacket is with me!" Anyone hurts, touches, or even hurts her feelings they will have to deal with me!" He told them.

Even though he kinda insulted me I could not help but feel comforted by his words.

"Am I talkin to myself or are you guys listening!" He yelled when no one answered him.

Everyone quickly started speaking, nodding and grunting in agreement.

"Get him up." He said to no one in particular but still three guys stepped forward and picked the guy up off the floor.

"Come here." He said to me in a much calmer voice.

I walked over to him and when I was standing in front of him he placed his arms on my shoulders and spun me around. I stood there in confusion until I felt the jacket loosen up. A huge smile spread over my face as I shook it off letting it fall to my feet.

"Thank you so much." I said to him as I spun around to look at him.

I wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug. I was beyond excited to be out of that thing. He just stood there unmoved. Stiff almost as if he had never been hugged before. He did not push me away either.

When I let go of him he looked at me for a moment before turning back to the man being held up.

"I'm sorry Joker I didn't realize she was with you." He started saying over and over.

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