Chapter 58

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We walked for a few more minutes in silence. I found myself missing this lunatics voice. We reached the end of the corridor and stopped as we stood in front of a brick wall.

"I'm sorry love, it looks like your secret entrance is long gone." He said as he leaned his back and one leg against the wall.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I guess you're right." I replied as I leaned into him, placing my hand on the wall near his side. I could see the surprise on his face. He clearly thought I was making a move on him. I pressed the brick next to his pants pocket. The brick moved backwards and the wall behind him slid open.

He had a slower reaction time then I would have guessed and fell backward through the opening and landed on his ass.

I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at him sitting there looking confused before he looked up at me.

"You feisty little monster, you did that on purpose." He said as he stood up and brushed the dust and dirt off his clothes.

"I couldn't resist." I told him.

"Everything they say about you is true." He said as he looked down the hallway.

"And what do they say about me?" I asked him as I crossed my arms.

"Oh you know. That you're a sociopath, a monster who enjoys tormenting others before devouring them." He answered before looking past me to the hall that was behind me.

I was shocked by his words. Not shocked to hear what people thought of me. Just shocked he would say it out loud and directly to me. Most would be too scared.

"At least you're honest." I told him.

"Honest is my middle name." He replied.

"Just to set the record straight I don't enjoy hurting people." I told him.

"Then why do you?" He asked as he started walking down the hall that was lit by lanterns.

"I don't have a choice. My condition requires a very specific diet." I answered him as I pointed for him to turn right.

"Everyone has a choice, love. To kill to eat or not to kill to eat? That's your choice. You chose to kill. Just as you choose to run around Gotham with two crazed clowns. Just as I choose to be a thief." He told me.

"You wouldn't understand." I responded to him.

"Clearly." He replied.

"No one asked you for your opinion! You have a choice to shut up and steal from my dad or keep talking and die." I snapped at him.

"Although you're very sexy when you're angry, the clear choice is life." He answered.

"Good choice. The safe is right around the corner." I told him.

"How do we get into it?" He asked as we stood in front of the old safe with the old style turn lock.

"Let's just hope he didn't change it." I said as I turned the dial a few times until it popped open.

"Lucky us. What's the combination?" He asked me.

"My birthday." I answered him.

"Realy? You would think he's smarter than that." He said to me.

"He never worried about anyone finding it I guess." I told him.

I pulled the massive door open and his eyes went wild with excitement as he looked at the contents of the safe.

"Have at it." I told him as I sat down on a small stack of gold bars.

He frantically started grabbing everything he could stuff into all his pockets.

"You have about 22 minutes before Bruce shows up." I told him.

"Why would he show up?" He asked as his attention shot back to me.

"Because we tripped the silent alarm when we opened the door." I answered as I walked out of the safe.

I could hear him dropping things as he frantically grabbed at things as he followed after me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"To bed." I answered him.

"What? Why? Fill your pockets and let's get out of here." He told me.

"I didn't come here to steal. I came to talk to my dad." I told him.

"Are you going to kill him?" He asked as I pushed open the wall and stepped threw it into the manor.

"Why would I kill my dad?" I asked him surprised by his question.

"He sent you to jail." He reminds me.

"He thought he was helping me." I replied as he stepped through the grandfather clock and into the piano room.

"Did we just walk through a clock?" He asked me.

"Yes." I answered as I continued out of the room.

"We really should leave." He said as he followed after me.

"You can leave. I'm going to my old room." I told him.

He looked at me for a second as if trying to figure out what to say to me.

"You know what I can't pass up the opportunity to see your bedroom." He said as he chuckled at me.

"Your funeral. You only have 15 minutes to get out of here." I remind him.

"Worth the risk." He replied.

I smiled at him and walked in the direction of my room with him following closely behind me. I could feel his gaze on my ass again. 

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