Chapter Two

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"You know a splash of color would really liven up the place." I said as we approached the reception and check in area.

"Coming from the girl who's as white as the dead and wearing all black." The guy behind the desk said.

I tilted my head slightly and took in the lard of a man sitting in front of me and decided he was not worth my rage.

"Mr. Smith that's enough. What have I told you about being rude to our guests?" Dr. Quinzel said to him causing him to roll his eyes.

I let a small smile escape as I looked at the blond who had stood up for me.

"Don't you mean inmate?" He answered as he buzzed us in opening the gates.

Once on the other side of the glass well I was ushered in to a small room. I looked around and it was only the Doctor and a female guard and me. I could probably kill nothing of them and escape but I promised I wo I left not loose control while I was here.

"We're going to need you to remove all your jewelry, piercings, and clothes." The guard told me.

"You want me to do what?" I asked her.

"It's for your own safety so they can't be used to hurt you." The Doctor told me.

I could not help but chuckle but listened and started to remove my triple moon goddess ring.

"What's so funny?" The doctor asked me.

"That you think they can hurt me." I answered then removed my lip and septum ring.

"There are some really bad people in here. They will try to take advantage of a nice girl like you." She told me.

"Who said I was a nice girl." I told her as I dropped the black robe I was wearing revealing I was naked underneath.

I smiled as I watched the Doctor loom over my naked, tattooed body. I bet she had Virgin skin under all those clothes.

"Do you need these ones two?" I asked her as I pointed to my pierced nipples.

"Yes all piercings must be removed." She answered as she looked away blushing.

Once I was changed into the disgusting pi. Stripped jump suit the guard handed me a wet nap.

"Make up must be removed." She told me.

I took the cloth and wiped off my eye makeup and black lip stick. When I looked back to the guard she looked surprised that my white skin was natural and not because of make up.

"Right this way." The guard said to me as she opened the door for me to step into.

I followed her out the door and into the hall. From what I could tell we were still in the office part of the building. There was a few doctors offices. An exam room and we walked by a door labeled Hall Of Records.

"In here." She told me as she opened one of the exam room doors.

I walked inside followed by the two of them. There was a doctor in the room waiting for me.

After I passed my forced physical exam they took a picture of me.

"For your file." Dr. Quin told me.

I nodded and was lead back out. We passed a wing that read Cell Block A.

"What's down there?" I asked.

"That's where we house the non violent patients." Dr. Quin answerd.

"And upstairs?" I asked but before the good doctor could answer the guard cut her off.

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