Chapter 11

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I was led upstairs and threw endless halls until we ended up in front of a steel door that read Dr. Harleen Quinzel. I noticed that it was not the same office from the first floor. This is where she must meet with us crazy's and the one upstairs is her actual office. The door was pushed open reviling Dr. Q sitting at one end of a table. The only other thing in this room was a chair at the opposite end of the table.

I wiggled uncomfortably in the strait jacket. My arms were becoming soar. The guy behind me pushed me in and it was at that moment that I realized I had become frozen in place. "

"Move." He said.

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled at him.

"Shut up witch!" He snapped back.

"I'm not a witch!" I yelled at him.

"Witch, Meta-human, alien you're all the same." He answered.

"You're real tuff now that I'm tied up." I told him.

"Enough Frank, leave the girl alone." Dr. Q said to him.

"Yeah Frank, leave the girl alone." I said taunting him threw my smile.

He quietly led me over to the empty chair and pushed me down into it. Once I was sitting he took the shackles that were nailed into the ground and chuckled my feet so I could not get up.

"I didn't know you were such a freak Frank. Why don't you come give me a kiss." I said to him and I could not help but laugh at the uncomfortable look that covered his face.

"Good luck with this one Doc." He said before leaving us alone in the room.

Once we were alone Dr. Q reclaimed her seat directly in front of me.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked me.

"Like shit." I told her truthfully.

"Is there anything I can do to help with that?" She asked.

"Yeah how about getting me some real food?" I asked her in a meaner voice then I meant.

"Are they not feeding you enough again?" She asked.

"You don't know?" I asked and it was easy to see by the look on her face she had no idea what I was talking about.

"They brought me a dam box of kittens and said I can't get any real food until I eat them." I told her.

She looked down at the pad in front of her and started taking notes.

"I will talk to someone about that." She said.

"Let's move on. Why don't we talk about why you're here?" She said to me.

"I'm here because my dad put me here." I told her.

"So there's not a part of you that believes you belong here?" She asked.

"Not even a little bit Dr. Q." I answered.

"Then why are you here?" She asked again.

"So I don't hurt anyone. That's the real reason. My dad knows you can't help me. He just wants to make sure I don't kill anyone else." I told her.

"Sounds like to me you're exactly where you need to be. And if you let me I can help you get better." She told me.

"Nothing against you Dr. Q I like you, but that's the problem doctor. There is no helping me. I'm not some crazy person like the Riddler who can't even put a clear thought together. Or like the Scarecrow who just liked to watch people in pain. I'm not out for vengeance against the world like Ivy and Mr. Freeze. And I'm not insane like the Joker." I told her.

"Then what are you?" She asked me.

"I'm cursed." I answered.

"I did not choose to be this way. I don't enjoy hurting people. And if that dam accelerator had not exploded I would be stoned somewhere spending my dad's money on fast cars and clothes." I told her.

"This is not a choice. This is who I am now. There's no controlling it and there's no fixing me. I can't even die if I wanted to. Trust me I have tried ask the poor sucker who found me bleeding out." I told her.

"Are you saying you have killed more than we know?" She asked me.

"Just the one. He found me. I was dead, I at least thought I was. Until I woke up healed and some stranger was lying dead next to me." I answered.

She looked surprised by what I was telling her. I think it even scared her to know that my powers work even when I am already dead.

"Does that scare you Dr. Q?" I asked her.

"No." She answered quickly.

"No need to lie doctor. It's okay to be afraid." I told her.

"Fine, you terrify me." She answered and if I am being honest her words hurt more then I thought they would.

"See not so hard." I told her.

"No let me reword that. I'm not scared or you. I'm scared of what you can do. I truly believe you when you say you don't want to hurt people. But I would be an idiot if I was not scared of the power you hold when it could so easily be used on me." She told me.

"I would never hurt you." I told her truthfully.

I did not know what it was about her, but I liked her. She was the only one who had shown me any respect and kindness sense I got here.

"Well that's good to know." She answered.

"Hey can I ask you a favor?" I asked her.

"Depends on the favor." She answered.

"Can you get me some cat food?" I answered her. "They're hungry."

"Yeah. I can get you cat food." She said with a smile.

She has a beautiful smile.

"Maybe give one to Joker I think he likes cats. Maybe Ivy, she's lonely." I told her.

A small chuckle escaped her lips.

"What's so funny?" I asked her.

"That you're trying to care for everyone else all the while your being mistreated and starved." She said to me. "I don't know about moving the cats but I'll see what I can do."

"Times up." The guard said when they came back in.

He grabbed hold of my trapped arm and dragged me out of the room. I could not help but look back at Dr. Q while I was being dragged out. I truly wished I had more time to talk to her. I liked talking to her.

"Were are we going?" I asked when I realized we were walking upstairs and not back to my cell.

"Against my protests your father has bought you some yard time." He answered as he continued to drag me along.

"Have fun." He said as he pushed me out into a court yard.

I looked around to see that I was standing in a crowded court yard filled with silent crazy's, and criminals who were all staring at me. I scanned the crowd and noticed that there was no other female prisoners out here. I took one more look and there were no guards either.

I started to struggle against my restraints as the realization hit me that I was out here alone and almost completely restrained.

"Hi boys." I said to the crowd hoping it would lighten the mood.

All it did was gain me a few creepy smiles.

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