Chapter 16

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When we were tossed in the yard J and I were still both tied up. Me in my hell jacket and him in his chains. Everyone fell quiet and looked over to the two of us.

It was obvious that some of them were taking in J's broken look and were thinking about doing something stupid.

"Mistah J." I called to him getting his attention.

I did not say anything else I just looked over to the group. He quickly caught on to what was going on.

"What?" He yelled causing everyone to look away and scatter.

"A littler help here?" I asked him.

"You!" He yelled at a random guy who was walking bye.

"Me?" The guy asked nervously.

"Do you see me talking to anyone else?" J yelled.

"Sorry. Did you need something?" He asked him.

"Untie my friend." He told him.

The guy looked over to me and it was obvious he was scared and did not want to.

"Now!" J yelled causing him to almost jump out of his skin.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." He mumbled as he ran over and removed the jacket.

"Thanks." I said as I shook free.

I walked over to J and tried to grab ahold of his hands but he pulled away.

"For fucks sake let me see!" I snapped at him as I held out my hand.

He stared me down for a few seconds then handed them over. I as softly as possible tried to look over his hands. Truthfully they did not even look like hands anymore. I looked up at him and even though he must be in a great deal of pain he did not let it show. All he shoved in that strangely attractive face was frustration with me.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" I asked him.

"What was I thinking?" He snapped at me as he pulled his hands away from mine.

"That's what I said." I told him.

"What were you thinking?" He yelled at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

He stepped up close to me so only I could hear.

"You undressed in front of them all." He said angrily.

"So. I wanted to take a shower." I answered.

"Don't do it again!" He yelled at me and I could not help but laugh.

"I can do whatever I want, you don't own me." I told him.

He was going to respond but before he could I pointed to the guy who untied me.

"Come here." I told him.

I could visibly see him shaking, but he came anyway. I could really get used to this.

"Yes." He said when he stood in front of me.

"You're gonna be okay." I told him.

Before he could even register what I had just told him I grabbed his face. I could feel his spirit spread through me. I did not take much, just what I needed.

I let go of him and he quickly backed away from me. Standing safely out of my reach.

I turned back to J and grabbed hold of his shackles and gave one quick tug and broke them off. He looked to the ground where they had fallen.

"Thanks Sweet Pea." He said to me.

"I'm not done yet." I told him.

"Gove me your hands." I told him again.

This time he handed them over. I closed my eyes and focused on his broken hands. I had only done this once before and it's a lot harder than when I take. Taking a soul is easy, its natural my body wants it. Giving out parts of the soul is another thing entirely. It goes against every fiber of my being. I really have to work at it.

I held onto them a few seconds longer and then like what I can only describe as a rush of cold air ran through my body and escaped me. I let go and took a few steps back trying to catch my breath. I looked over to him and smiled when I saw that it worked. He was healed.

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