Chapter 5

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That night I did not get much sleep. The combination of the uncomfortable cot, itchy blanket and lumpy pillow would be enough to keep anyone awake. Add in the constant hum from Mr. Freeze's ice machine, The Riddler's constant mumbling, and Ivy's sleep talking it was impressive I got ant sleep at all.

"Everyone out of bed!" A voice yelled waking me up.

I could not believe someone was yelling and waking us up. I was pissed I had not fallen asleep to long ago. I looked around to see everyone else listening so I did the same. Six guars came in with trays in their hands. One of them walked over and stood in front of each of us.

"Hands on the back wall." The head said and everyone listened instead of the Joker.

I looked around to see everyone who listened got a tray of food pushed in threw a slot that opened at the bottom of the door.

"If you wanna eat do what they say." Ivy told me.

I had to admit I was hungry. So I walked to the back wall and placed my hands up. A second later a paper tray was pushed into my cell. I quickly grabbed it and started to eat. I took a few bites but had to stop at how bad the food tasted. I looked at what I was given to see it was supposed to be eggs and toast.

I looked up to see everyone else was eating. All except the Joker who continued to stand there starring at the guard.

The guard did not say anything he just handed the tray off the lead guard, who walked away with it.

"Trays down." The guard said.

I looked over to Ivy who placed her tray back on the floor near the front of the cell. She then walked back and placed her hands on the back wall. I placed my tray down and followed suit.

A few seconds after there was a noise. I turned around to see a neat pile of sheets and clothes sitting on the floor. I watched as Ivy picked them up and threw the new clothes back on the floor. Only taking the underwear and then ripped the sheets off her bed, tossing them aside with the clothes. I then watched as she stripped and strutted over to the shower. I looked back to see that the guards were watching her shower. I turned back to look at her and she did not really seem to care.

"Hey knew girl your sheets!" The guard yelled as he slammed on the glass.

I turned my attention to him and wished someone would electrocute him.

I quietly walked over to my bed and grabbed the sheets and carried them over to were the stuff had been brought in. I looked the guard in the eyes and placed the sheets down not breaking eye contact.

"Now shower and change your clothes." He told me.

I looked around him to see that no one was forcing the guys to shower or change. They just handed them they clothes and let them be.

"I think I'll pass." I said as I placed the new stuff down on the bed.

"Were not asking." He said to me.

"I'm not getting in and unless you want to come in here and make me I suggest you leave me alone." I told him.

"You think you're so smart down you?" He asked me.

"Just so you know where always watching." He said as he looked up to the ceiling letting me know where the camera was.

I smiled at him and this seemed to make him angry.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" He snapped at me.

"You're an idiot." I told him.

"You're not going to let her talk to you like that?" One of the other guards asked.

"Yeah are you?" I taunted him.

"Why don't you come in here and teach me a lesson?" I asked him.

"Hands on the back wall!" He snapped at me.

I did what he said and the second my hands touched the wall I was electrocuted with so much force I could not help but yell out in pain. It was like my hands were stuck on the wall and I could not move for a few seconds until I fell to the ground. I tried to get up but could not get my body to stop shacking no matter how much I tried.

"Not so tuff anymore?" He asked as he opened the door.

I could hear other people saying stuff in the back but could not make out the words. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry. The guy came towards me and I tried to reach up for him but could not make my arm move in more than a twitch. I felt more pain run threw my body as he kicked me in the stomach.

"What are you doing?" A new voice yelled.

I could not lift my head to see who it was all I could see was a pair of white heals.

"Are you insane? You can't do that." The voice told him.

"Get the hell out of here doctor." The guard said.

I tilted my head up to see it was Dr. Q. She was trying to get past him but he just pushed her back causing her to fall on her ass.

The pain was replaced with anger as I watched him push around this helpless girl who was just trying to help me. I forced my arm to move and reached out. He was just out of my reach. I put all of my energy into crawling forward. I could reach him now, all I needed to do was grab him.

"Get him!" Ivy yelled out causing everyone to look at me.

"Don't let her touch you!" One of the other guards yelled causing the guard to jump out of the way and out of my reach.

He stepped out of the cage and closed the door. I fell to the floor in defeat knowing there was no way out.

I forced myself up. The most I could get was to my knees. I kneeled there looking at him and could not help but smile as it was obvious he was scared. He was so close to death and he was not even aware. I felt something run threw me that I had never felt before. It was like full adrenalin mixed with lust and pure ecstasy. And it was all because he was so scared of me, no one had ever even taken me seriously before the incident. Let alone fear me. My smile widened even wider causing the blood that was in my mouth to drip out the sides of my mouth and down my chin.

"You're fucking insane." He guard said as he quickly walked away.

"Are you okay?" Dr. Q asked.

"I think I'm gonna take that shower now." I answered as I forced myself up and walked over to the shower.

She watched after me for a few seconds and then turned to look at the Joker before she disappeared in the elevator.

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