06| I saw him

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I couldn't believe that he was here, in this very place, after I had thought he had left the university

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I couldn't believe that he was here, in this very place, after I had thought he had left the university.

Why was he here? What could have possibly happened to bring him to this place?

"Let me do it for you," he declared holding the empty cup in his hand.

He tossed it into the nearby bin and approached me with a warm smile. "How are you? It's been a long time since I saw you." 

Despite his friendly appearance and kind words, I was unaffected and kept my emotions guarded. His smile did not reach me.

"What are you doing here?" I ignored his friendly inquiry and instead demanded an answer to my own question.

"That's not the answer to my question, princess," he drawled as he took a step towards me. 

Even though he spoke softly and gently, I couldn't shake this uneasy feeling creeping in. Without even thinking, I took a step back, putting some distance between us. His closeness was making me feel all kinds of uncomfortable, and I sure as heck didn't want him hovering too close.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with disappointment and sadness. 

"Ah, come on. I thought you would be so happy to see me here after so long." His words were tinged with a sense of hurt.

But I saw right through his act of playing the wounded innocent, because I knew this guy was anything but gentle and kind-hearted. Those soft words and sweet tone were just a cover-up for his real self, a side of him I had no intention of buying into.

I felt his gaze travelled up and down my attire, taking in every inch of my being. It was deliberate, calculated, meant to unsettle and discomfort me, just like it always did.

Feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to stand in the same space as him, I reached for my bag and made to leave. However, before I could take a single step, he quickly moved to block my path.

The suddenness of his movements had caught me off guard. I looked up into his eyes to search for some indication of his intentions but his expression was unpredictable.

I reminded myself that he couldn't do anything to me, not here in broad daylight and in the university. Still, my heart was pounding in my chest with unease. 

I took deep breaths to steady my nerves and slowly lifted my chin, determined not to show any fear. "Move aside. I need to go." Though I strove to sound unshakeable, a light quiver could still be detected in my words.

"Go where?" he clicked his tongue, taking a step forward, causing me to instinctively retreat.

"That's none of your business! Just leave me the hell alone!" I spat.

I held my breath, waiting for him to move. 

I let out a sigh of relief when he finally stepped aside, letting me pass. I didn't waste a second, bolting out of there as fast as my legs could carry me, just itching to put as much space between us as humanly possible.

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