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Thirs Person's POV

"Unnie! Can you walk faster, please? I'm gonna be late!"

Lisa's younger sister Yuna shouted at her. They have a wonderful relationship as siblings, and was loved by their parents, no favouritism at all and the love that was given by their parents were fair.

As Lisa scratches her nape not because of annoyance but she was still tying her shoes in her younger sister kept on nagging her to hurry up.

They were going to her younger sister's dance practice and it was her first day.

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming. Geezz." Lisa uttered.

Despite of their age gap, they were still close to each other. Even though Lisa is busy with her studies and it was her last year in college, she still gave time to her younger sister.

"Aish. You're getting old, you move so slow."

Lisa stopped by her track and glared to her sister.

As Yuna turned her head to her sister, she started to run to Lisa's car while laughing. And before she enters in Lisa's car, she spit her tongue out like a little kid.

Lisa just shook her head and chuckle.

"Silly, kid."


"Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Unnie." Jennie greeted her cousin Jisoo as she visited Jisoo in her office.

"For a hundred time, Jennie. Learn how to knock, will ya?" Jisoo glared to her cousin.

Jennie just chuckled and sits down on the sofa.

"You know me, Unnie. That's not my thing. Incase you and Hae in Oppa will do something strange her in your office, I might knock next time." Jennie smirked and she can see how her cousin blushed because of her statement.

"Y-ya! How bold of you to say that, Jennie Kim." Jennie then just laugh.

"By the way incase you forgot, were going to a bar later with the girls. You need to be there, Unnie."

"I can't. I have a lot of things to finish, Jennie."

"Na-uh. You can't say no. After all, you're going to get married and it's Seulgi's birthday today."

Jisoo sighed.

"Jennie.. I'm gonna get married next year, not this year. So stop bringing up that marriage thing. And I really can't go later. I'm going to my parents house later, Mom said she has an important matter to discuss with me."

Jennie didn't answer her. Instead, she took out her phone and called Jisoo's Mom..

"Hello, Auntie? Yes.. it's Jennie. Yeah, I'm good. By the way Auntie, can Jisoo Unnie reschedule her meet up with you later?"

"Ya! I told you-.."

"Thanks, Auntie. You're the best." She ended the call and stared to her cousin. "Done. Now you're going with us later."

Jisoo just facepalmed herself.

"Come on, Unnie. Don't be such a granny and join us later."


A crept of smile appeared on Jennie's lips and stood up.

"That's what I need to hear. See you later."

Jennie blowed a flying kiss to her cousin and stormed out to Jisoo's office.

"Damn it."


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