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"She was my world, but everything changed."


Everything happens so fast. I still feel like everything just happened yesterday. It's still fresh in my memory. We were just about to start a new journey, a new relationship, a new happiness.. but everything changed.

That day when Lisa was shot by Hae In, my world crushed. I don't exactly know what to do. Everyone panicked. Everyone was mad and furious about it. After my parents and Lisa's parents found out what happened, Lisa's Dad immediately hired someone to find Hae In. My Dad instructed all the Cops to search for him, through the airport, everywhere. They ask me a lot if questions about what exactly happened, I couldn't answer well as my hands and my body were trembling. My thoughts are in Lisa's. She was in the emergency room, reviving by the doctors and doing all they can to save her.

Nayeon, Seulgi and Irene went there too. Nayeon was really mad to Jennie because she said as she is the reason why Hae In came to Korea. Seulgi and Irene tried to calm her down because after all, it's not totally Jennie's fault. I understand her and I don't blame anyone. I know Lisa is not blaming anyone else too.

The situation got worst as Lisa's Mom fainted because it's been hours as we waited outside the emergency room waiting for the news about Lisa's situation.

My mind was blank. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to think. I was scared. Scared that I might lose Lisa. I can't even afford to lose her in my life. She made me the happiest person alive. She made me feel loved and everything that I have never felt before. She's all I need. Now, I don't know what exactly I would feel. If something's gonna happen to Lisa, I'm not gonna forgive myself.

Lisa was in a coma. The operation was successful, but Lisa hasn't woke up. The doctor said there was a slight chance that Lisa might wake up or she will not gonna wake up anymore and the only the machine can gave her life. I broke down in tears. My heart ripped when I heard that news from the doctor.

They transferred Lisa to the ICU to observe her more. Only two visitors are allowed and I never leaved her side. Seulgi took place on my position for the meantime as I am always visiting Lisa in the hospital. 2 days after Lisa's operation, Jennie went to visit. She cried and cried to me and ask for my forgiveness. I'm not mad at her. I just hugged her and told her that it's not her fault, if Lisa was awake, she will gonna say the same thing. But when Nayeon saw Jennie, she almost slap Jennie but good thing we stopped her. We all talked outside Lisa's room and fixed whatever issues we may have. Jennie can't even expect that Hae In would do such a thing.

A week later after the incident, Hae In was caught. My Dad and Lisa's Dad did not stop doing a search for him. They even announced it publicly and would give a reward if they saw Hae In. As they have caught him, I almost want to kill him as well but I'm not gonna make a revenge with violence too. I'll just let the court punish him. His parents came to see me, but I refused. They talked to my parents but my Dad only shouted at them.

And up until now, it's still fresh in my mind. 2 years had already passed, and it still haunts me. I'm still crying every night.

"What're you thinking?" I felt her tight embrace from the back. I stayed quiet and only brushed her arms. "You're still thinking about it?"

I slowly nodded. She made me faced her and looked at me in the eyes.

"I'm here. That's what matters now, babe."


"What if you're not? I'm going crazy by just thinking about it."

"Jisoo.. hey, look at me." She softly said.

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