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It's been a week since Lisa and I have seen each other. She doesn't answer any of my texts or calls. I'm always with Hae In and he's been going to my company everyday. I always kept myself busy or just finding some excuse so that Hae In won't notice how frustrated I am because of Lisa.

I felt like I was cheating already but I don't care, I'm a bit worried why Lisa doesn't respond to any of my messages.

We're having lunch now with Seulgi, Jennie, Irene and Nayeo. Hae In is with us ofcourse, but as I usual, he is always with his phone taking calls and all.

Seulgi excused herself to use the restroom and I followed her. I waited for her until she went out from the cubicle.

"Oh, hey nerd."


"Hmm? Yeah?"

"Have you talked to Lisa?"

Seulgi chuckled.

"I know you'll ask me that. And to answer your question, yes we talked. She was at my house yesterday though. You two had a fight?"

"No.. she's not responding to any of my text or calls."

"Give her time, Jisoo. She was not showing herself to you because you're with him." Seulgi sighed. "I know my cousin likes you, I already told her many times that you are engaged and you two can't be together. But, I don't want to meddle with what's happening to you both. Do you also like Lisa?"

Yes. Yes I do.

I kept silent and did not answer her.

"Mm, some saying goes that 'silence means yes' so.. I'll take that ss a yes from you. But Jisoo, take my advice, don't make this hard for Lisa too. Don't give her false hope about this, you're engage. Give her some time for now."

I just nodded and Seulgi tapped my shoulders. She went out first and I was looking myself in the mirror stopping my tears to fall.

I kinda miss Lisa's presence, I want her to be here.

Why do I even feel this way? I'm not even like this to Hae In.

I just wanna see her.

I badly want to see you, Lisa.

On the ride, Hae In talking to one of his clients over the phone and I was only looking out in the window still thinking about Lisa.

Hae In held my hand and mouthing if I was okay, I just nodded and faintly smiled at him.

He went here just to keep on talking to his phone. How useless that his here but not his presence. That's why I even kept myself busy because whenever we spent time together, his only attention was on his phone.

I don't even give a damn on who is he talking too. Sometimes I caught him smiling or even giggling while reading messages, I don't feel any jealousy and such. He can do whatever the fuck he want.

"Hey, babe?" Oh, I didn't notice he's already done taking calls.


"Why don't we go to your parent's house this weekend? I want to see your Mom and Dad."


"You can't be there when you're always busy with your phone, Hae In. You know Dad hates it when you don't pay much attention with them."

"Babe, it's all about work."

"I know. Why did you even go here if you can't leave your work?"

"Jisoo.. you don't want me to be here?"

"Ofcourse I do. But if you're like this, it's much better if you could just stay in California."

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just doing this for us."


"You might forget that I have a company standing firmly, Hae In. And even though I won't gonna work for a year, I have money. So stop saying that you're doing this for us."

"Are we gonna argue with this again?"

"Whatever. If you want to go to my parent's house, you can go there by yourself."

"Jisoo, why are you like this? What did I do?"

"What did you do? Seriously?!"

"Look, I'm sorry. I know I've been busy lately -.."

"No.. you've been really busy since then. You promised me that you'll gonna stay here in Korea with me and start your business here, but what? You just wrote it in the air and nothing happened. And what's gonna happen for us after we get married, huh? Gonna be like this? You in California and here I am in Korea?"

"You can come with me, you don't need to work."

I laughed rudely.

"If you're telling me to leave everything here and give up my Dad's company? Well, I'm sorry. I'm not leaving Korea and I am not leaving the company." I brushed my hair with my hands. I'm really mad right now. "Go back to your hotel. I want to rest."

"Jisoo.. please don't be like this."

"Mr. Min, stop here." My driver stopped the car and Hae In held my hand to stopped me. "Go back to California. I'm not going to make you choose between me or your business there because I am not choosing to be leave my company here as well." And that, I went out and grab a taxi.

I went home and just locked myself in my room. I didn't bother to call or text Lisa now, maybe Seulgi was right. I should give her time because she doesn't deserve it. I am engaged but I even admitted that I liked her. Now, I am putting myself in a very complicated situation where I don't even understand myself anymore.

I am very much sure that I love Hae In but because of how he treated me, I don't know if I still want to continue this engagement with him or if I want to get married with him.

As of this moment, I want to be alone.

I didn't even bother turning on the lights, I even turned off my phone so that I will not gonna receive any text or calls from Hae In. Lisa's not gonna call me for sure. She have the right to be mad at me though. I made her feel bad.

Damn, I just want to disappear.

The next day..

I woke up feeling heavy with my head. Damn, it was aching like hell. I did not even notice I slept on the floor. Gosh

I opened up my phone and it started to receive a lot of messages from Hae In, but I felt a little disappointed not even receiving any messages from Lisa.

There's one message from Seulgi asking if I could to the office and I replied that I wanted to take a day off today.

Also receive another text message from Jennie asking where I am. I didn't bother to reply and just threw my phone on the bed.

I'll just spend my time here at home, rest and continue to keep thinking.

My stomach grumbles. I remember I haven't eaten any dinner yesterday and checking the time, it's already 2 in the afternoon.

I walk downstairs to cook when my door bell rang.

Who could this be?

I opened up the door and it revealed the person I've been wanting to see.


I didn't utter a single word and just hugged her tightly.

"I miss you.." that is the only words that came out through my mouth.

short 🤟🏻😩

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