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I fetched Jisoo from the airport and I noticed since then until we're in the car that she was silent. I asked her how was her talked with Hae In but she only smiled and she said it went good and they ended their relationship.

That fast?

I am really expecting that she's gonna stay there for too long as what she says because as a respect to that man's parents. It's not that I want her to stay there for too long but ofcourse, I understand how long their relationship is and they're already engaged.

I was shocked when she texted me she's going back here to Korea. I bet something really happened when she arrived there. I'll just wait for her to tell me.

"Uhm, Lisa.. Can you drive me home? I'm tired."

"Oh, yea sure.." I noticed how she spaced out and she was just looking out the window resting her hands on her chin.

I want to reach out her hand but it seems like she's not in the mood. I want to cheer her up but I can't. So, I just kept both of my hands on the steering wheel.

We've arrived on her house and she quickly went out not waiting for me to open up the door for her.


I got out of the car and went towards her silently. She just smiled at me and held my hand.

"I'm sorry for today. Can we meet up tomorrow? I just need some rest right now."

I nodded.

"Thank you for driving me home, Lisa."

She was about to go inside with her luggage but I stopped her.

"Jisoo.. is something wrong? Are we good?"

"We are, Lisa. I just need some rest."

"Did something happened when you're there? You can tell me."

She shake her head.

"Everything's fine. We'll talk about it. I'm going to talk to my parents again regarding about this as well. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded in defeat. I'll just understand her for now. I kissed her forehead and bid goodbye. I waited for her to enter her house and went inside my car.

I exhaled deeply and just started my engine and drove off.

Something is wrong.


Lisa called me like her voice sounds she was drunk. I'm on my way now to the bar where she is. Maybe she had a fight with Jisoo.

Yep, I know what is their relationship already. They may not confirm it but it's really obvious to me especially on how they look at each other.

I tried to warn her, did I? But maybe I really can stop their feelings with each other especially Lisa's.

I arrived to bar where Lisa is and I spotted her sitting alone drinking as she was looking at her phone from time to time. I tapped her shoulders and she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"What happened to you?"

"Unnie.. she's not responding to my messages." Lisa whined.

"Jisoo? Did you two had a fight?"

"No.." she's shaking her head like a little kid. "I fetched her at the airport earlier.."

Right. Jisoo told me last night that she's going to California but she came back already? Wow. It was like she's in a roadtrip.

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