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Jisoo has been avoiding me for 3 days now. I don't if it's just me or she really is avoiding me.

Everytime that I have to present our presentation to her, her secretary always gets the folder and she's the one going inside.

I once saw her making coffee, and when she saw me she left her coffee and went back to her office.

She was also talking to our Professor but not even giving a glance on me.

I know I made a mistake of kissing her that night but I don't regret it.

After that kiss, she quickly went inside and not saying anything to me. I tried to approach her, but when she felt I was there, she was walking away.

Now that she finds out that I like her, she's really gonna ignore and avoid me.


I'm such a jerk. I already got the chance of getting close to her but because of my stupid moves, now I don't know what to do.

I stayed up late in the office. Our training here will soon end and we need to finish a lot of things to present to our final thesis in the university. Everything went fast but everytime I saw Jisoo, time went so slow.

I don't know what got in to me, I just like her. I just want her in my life. Too bad, she's engaged.

I'm busy tapping and scrolling in the laptop until I heard the sound of heels.

I stood up and see who it was. It was her.

Both of us look into each other eyes. Jisoo averted her gaze on me and I walked towards her.

"Don't come closer." She raised her hands stopping me.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you, Jisoo.. you've been avoiding me for 3 days now. Do you know how frustrating that is?"

Jisoo glared at me and she scoffed.

"Frustrating? I should be the one to feel that, Lisa."

"Why? Is it because of the kiss?"

"Don't mention that again." She said sternly.

"Look.. I know what I did was a mistake. But I'm not sorry for it. I've been thinking for it until now, Jisoo."

Jisoo walked closer to me and hold my collar.

"And do you even know how troubled I was because of that?"

"So you've been thinking about it too." I smiled.

Jisoo sighed.

"I'm thinking of it not because I like it, Lisa. I'm thinking of it because I felt like I was cheating on Hae In and I hate that feeling."

My smile drop. Yeah, right.

"And now I'm still hating it because you made me feel something that I shouldn't."

I stared at her for a couple of seconds and look at her face.

She was surreal.

"What did I made you feel?"

Jisoo took a step back and avoided my gaze.

"I should probably go. You should go home too, it's late."

She was about to walk away when I held her hand.

"Tell me, Jisoo. What did I made you feel?"

"Lisa.. we shoudln't talk about it. So if you'll excuse me."

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