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5 years later..


"Hey, Unnie! Faster! We need to be there!" I shouted to Jennie Unnie.

"Ya! Are you shouting at me now?!" She said furiously as she was hurriedly wearing her heels.. Who the hell is someone wearing heels when you're both in a hurry? Unfortunately, it's Jennie unnie.

We quickly went to my car and drove off to the hospital. Yep, you read it right. We're going to the hospital now because Jisoo is giving birth to our child!!!! Our child!!!

After so many years of been trying to get Jisoo pregnant, we finally did it. Now we're expecting a little princess.

Jisoo and I got married 3 years ago. And after that, we planned to undergo the so called IVF for Jisoo to get pregnant. Jisoo already stopped working but she still insisted to go to the company with me to just only watch me work. Isn't that sweet?

And as what they said, it's not really to handle a pregnant woman. After 2 years of trying, Jisoo and I cried so hard that finally she's pregnant. I gave all my attention to her, I'm paying more attention to her cravings. And even in the middle of the damn night, she craves for strawberries, Ice cream, and many things. Where the hell am I going to find it all when all the stores are close?!

One time, she was craving for an avocado. She was so stress that she can't even sleep. I was awoken by it because she keeps moving to our bed.

"Babe? What's wrong? Are you feeling hurt? Do you need anything?" I asked in panic because I was worried for her.

"I want to eat avocado, Lisa." She pouted. Aish, she's so cute.

"Babe, it's 1:38 in the morning. Where can we buy an avocado at this time? Can it wait till tomorrow?" She pouted even more and kept silent.

Sigh. I don't want her to feel bad. As much as possible, I was avoiding to make her feel bad. She became very sensitive when she got pregnant.

"Don't be sad now, I'll find it for you." I said and she finally smile. "Is that all my queen needs?"

"I want chicken, ice cream and oh! strawberries, please."

I chuckled. She was like a child.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you." I changed my clothes and wore my jacket. Jisoo was only looking at me.

"Lisa.. aren't you tired?" she suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Hmm? Why did you ask?"

"It's because, I kept demanding things since I got pregnant. I'm sorry. You're tired from work, you're taking care of me, and then you need to go out at this time just to get what I need." she sobbed.

I walk towards her and lean closer to kiss her forehead.

"I will never get tired of you, Jisoo. You and our baby is giving me strength everyday. I love you and I'm not gonna complain for it. I'll do anything for the both of you. So don't feel bad about ir because you're carrying our baby."

"I love you, Lisa."

"I love you so much. I love you both." I kissed her lips and gave her belly a kiss.

Jisoo giggled. Damn, her mood swings really.

"Okay, I need to go now so that I can get back as fast as I can. Wait for me, okay?"

Jisoo nodded like a little kid. Her mom was right, she's basically still act like a child even with her age.

"Be quick. I want cuddles after."

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