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It's been three days since I went home to my parent's house. And up until now, I still didn't get to tell them about me and Lisa.

I don't know where to start. I am much confident of what I feel to Lisa now but I don't want my parents to get shock with what I'm going to tell them. They're too old now to handle this shocking news.


Seulgi was the one handling my company for now as I reason out that I needed to be home for a couple of days.

As for Hae In, he hasn't call me back or hasn't responded to my calls. I decided as well to go to California to tell him personally that I am calling the wedding off.

I know I can be the bad person in this story but.. this can be better for all of us.

My phone chimed as I received a text from Lisa. We've been texting everyday and she kept on ranting how badly she misses me.

I miss her too.

I miss her too

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I was shocked. This is the first time she told me this words.

She loves me.

My heart jumps for joy as I have mixed emotions of reading this 3 words she texted me. Even though she only said it through a text message, I don't mind. I am happy. Very much happy.

 Very much happy

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This should be it. I needed to tell my parents about us.

"Jisoo, are you okay?" Mom came near me and tapped my shoulders.

I look up to her and smiled.

"I am very much okay, Mom."

"Oh.. I thought you weren't. You've been here for 3 days now and you still didn't get to tell us why you're here."

I pouted.

"You don't want me here?"

My Mom laughed.

"Oh, dear. You're acting like a kid again. Ofcourse, I want you to be here. But this is the longest you stayed. You were always in a hurry going back to Seoul because you have a lot of things to do in the company. Wait, are you facing a problem in the company?"

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