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I was a bit confused when suddenly Lisa called me last night informing me that she's gonna be gone for a while. I asked why but she only told me that her Father asked her to do something important. So I understood her but I felt weird for it.

I was basically thinking because of what I told her yesterday about Jennie, she wants to be alone now for a while. I felt bad for her. I kept contacting Jennie but she is not answering my calls.

I also got a text from Irene and she was inviting me for a lunch with the group. I agreed and I was hoping Jennie is there.

I texted Lisa that I'm going to have lunch with them but she did not reply. What's happening to her, really?

I arrived at the restaurant and I already spotted Irene and Nayeon. I got disappoint not seeing Jennie with them.

"Nayeon, have you talked to Jennie?" I asked.

"Yeah, I invited her earlier too but she asked me if you'll gonna be here and when I said yes, she said she's not coming. She reasoned out that she has something to do."

I sighed.

"Did you two fight?" Irene asked.

"Not exactly. She was just disappointed to me."

"About what?"

"About me breaking up with Hae In."

"Huh?!" They both said in unison.

I just nodded and signaled the waiter for the menu.

"Enlighten us please, Jisoo." Nayeon begged.

I told them the whole details of what happend and every words that I say, I got a surprising response from them especially with Nayeon. She keeps on cutting me off as I cannot finish my sentence. Damn, bunny

"So you caught him cheating, worst is, he's having sex with someone and you did not tell Jennie the whole story?" Nayeon asked.

I shake my head.

"She won't listen. That's why I kept calling her. Seulgi is a bit mad to her as well because she said bad things about Lisa, and Seulgi cannot accept it."

"Oh, that's why Seulgi refused to be here as well. Now I understand." Irene uttered.

"Now please help me to talk to Jennie. I need to clarify everything to her."

"I'll try." Nayeon offered.

I became so worried to Lisa that she never intented to replied back to any of my text. I decided to visit her sister where the last time we fetched her.

I waited for a couple of hours until I saw her sister went out the studio.

"Yuna!" I called her. She looked back at me and a smile crept into her lips and excitedly went straight up to me.

"Oh! Unnie! So glad to see you." We both hugged each other.

"Same here."

"Anyway, why are you here, Unnie? You're now with Lisa Unnie?"

"I was about to ask the same thing. I'm here to ask where is she?"

Yuna stared at me with confused face.

"Huh? But she said last night that she's going to your parent's house."

"My parent's house?"

"Yeah." Yuna nodded. "She said that she's gonna do something there and your Father asked her help. I don't exactly know the details, Unnie. But that's what she said to Mom and Dad."

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