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It's been two weeks since Lisa started her training in my company together with her classmates. But apparently, on that two weeks had passed, she ignored me or didn't bother talking to me.

She only bows and greeted me 'good morning' whenever I visit them in their departments checking if they are doing well with their training.

It's been troubling me sometimes cause she really did what she said that she won't gonna bother me.

I should be happy about it, right?

But fuck, I hate it.

I hate how she ignores me.

I hate how she did not even bother taking a glance on me.

I hate her.

One time, we both looked in each other's eyes but after that she'll go back to her own work and make herself busy again.

But whenever Jennie visited in my office, she's talking to her in even smiling at her.

I should be okay with it, but I'm not.

Busy with my own thoughts, I heard my phone rang.

"Hey, babe. How are you?"

Now he's calling after several weeks that I didn't even remember when was the last we talked to each other.

"I'm fine. Just busy with work. You?"

"I'm also doing fine. I missed you."

"When will you come here to Korea?" I asked him but he kept silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, babe. I really can't right now. I have loads of work here that need to be taken care of. But I promise to visit you there."

"You've said that many times already."

"Jisoo, please understand me."

"Well, I do. Because if I don't, we're not talking right now."

He sighed.

"Gotta go, Hae In. I still have a meeting."

"Babe -.."

I did not bother waiting for his explanation and just ended the call. This is really stressing me out. Not because my our situation but I am bothered with Lisa.

"Miss Kim?" my secretary knocked on my door.

"Yes, Yeri? Come in."

"Ms. Manoban is here to show you her presentation."

I immediately fixed myself and let her enter.

"Uh, Ms. Kim.. Here's our presentation in the Marketing Department. We just want to show it to you before passing it to our Professor."

I nodded and checked the folder. It's all good actually.

"Are you the one who took this photos, Ms. Manoban?"

"Yes, Ms. Kim. And my mentors from the department helped me arranged it."

I nodded. "This are all good."

"Thank you."

I handed back the folder to her and she just accepted it without looking at me.

"I'll go back now, Ms. Kim." Lisa bowed and was about to go out.

"Wait.. Yeri, you can leave us." My secretary bowed and closed the door as she went out.

"What is it, Ms. Kim? Is there anything that you would like to add?"

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