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Last day of our training here in Jisoo's company and today, we're not working. Our professor let us to spend our day hanging out with the employees and with the permission of Jisoo, ofcourse. But before that, we gather here at the meeting as Jisoo will say something for us first.

It's been a week since Jisoo told me that she likes me too. With that, we've been lowkey to each other. Some people might think this is wrong but for us, we don't mind it.

We promised each other that we will gonna enjoy what we have now, and not thinking of what the future holds for us. She's worried about me though, I'm young and I should give my attention to people my age but I don't care. I gave her an assurance that my attention was only for her.

When we are together, we're holding our hands and Jisoo was all smiling to that. Like a normal couple, we just don't want it to end. Even our friends yet, doesn't know what's happening about us. They just know that Jisoo and I got more closer and became friends.

Seulgi Unnie doesn't believe on it though, she feels that there is something between us. I'm trying hard not to tell the truth but one time, she caught me sending sweet messages to Jisoo.

My thoughts got interrupted when Jisoo entered the meeting room. She looks so beautiful as the first day I've met her. Her eyes roamed around the room as she spotted me to my direction and she smiled. I mouthed to her 'you're beautiful' and she blushed.
I kinda like it, she's cute when she blush. Hehe

"First of all, I wanted to congratulate each and everyone here for passing your training in the company. I hope for the past month of being here, you enjoyed and take away some good knowledge from your mentors. I hope you'll make that as an inspiration for a great start after you all graduate. And because of that, I wanted to give you all this certificate as a part of the Kim Enterprise."

Everyone applauded and shouted. They're not going to have a hard time applying for a job if they have that certificate from one of the biggest company here in Korea.

"Can we apply for a job here after we graduate, Ms. Kim?" One of my classmate asked as she raised her hand.

"Ofcourse." Jisoo smiled. "As long as you're capable for the job and if you promise me that you'll do well, you can."

"Ms. Kim, if you're secrerary is going to resign. I'll be glad to take that position." Another student said and we all laughed as Jisoo's secretary rolled her eyes and laughed too.

"Well, all I can say is.. you all did a great job. And I'm happy to see you all doing well and improving your skills. I'm gonna welcome you all if you want to apply here, but try to introduce your name again, okay? I'm not good remembering people's name." And we laughed again.

"Also, your professor gave you this day to celebrate. So, you can go home early, plan for a celebration and enjoy. Just be safe, you're all still students."

"Yes, Ms. Kim!" As we all said in unison.

"Ms. Kim, how about you join us today? We want to celebrate this day with you." Our professor offered.

Oh, please.. say yes.

"I'm quite busy at the moment, I have a lot of meetings today but maybe I'll stop by and check on you guys."

"That would be great!"

"Alright, well.. I'll leave you guys because I have a meeting to attend to. Again, congratulations for completing your training!"

Everyone clapped their hands and went out on the meeting room bowing to Jisoo.

As I passed by her, she held my torso.

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