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"Hey, girl!" Nayeon greeted Jennie. We're here in front of her house and I am now hiding so that Jennie will open up her door. It's been a week now and she's still not talking to me. It's also been a week since my parent's already accepted my relationship with Lisa. Not the relationship thing as Lisa and I did not talked about being girlfriends yet but I'm happy that finally they accepted Lisa especially my Dad.

I'm kinda jealous though, how Lisa and I interact with each other. It was like Lisa is his daughter but seeing them both okay, makes me happy. As for Hae In, he never called me again. He didn't bother contacting anyone either.

"What are you doing here, Nayeon?" I heard Jennie asked Nayeon.

"What the.. ofcourse I'm here to visit you, duh."

"Come inside."

Now that's my signal to show up.

"Can I come in too?"

Jennie looked shocked and she turned her face to Nayeon and Nayeon just gave her a peace sign.

"Ya, Jennie. Aren't you being rude to Jisoo? She's your cousin for fuck sake. Atleast talk to her!"

"No, I won't. Get out you two." She's so hard to convince.

"Jennie, let me explain everything." I said.

"No, Unnie. You breaking up with Hae In Oppa is inappropriate. Does Aunty and Uncle already know about this?"

"Yes, they do."

"Because listening to Jisoo's explanation is the best way to understand everything Jennie." Nayeon said.

"I've been looking forward in your marriage, Unnie. That finally someone will be there for you for the rest of your life yet here you are getting into a relationship with a woman and was younger than you?"

"Jennie.. you're being inconsiderate!" Nayeon fought back.

"Now I'm the one who's being inconsiderate? Am I the one who call off the wedding?" Jennie scoffs. "I called Hae In Oppa, and he's on his way here now to Korea."

"What?!" Nayeon and I both said.

"Jennie, what's wrong with you?!" Nayeon said angrily. "You should've listen to Jisoo first before calling that jerk!"

I just sighed.

"Nayeon, let's just go. If she'll not gonna listen, let her be."

I was about to walk out when I heard Nayeon.

"And just to let you know, Jennie. Jisoo is the victim here.. Your so called Oppa cheated on her."

"Nayeon.." I stopped her.

"What? Cheated? What do you mean?"

"See.. you should've listen to Jisoo!"

"Jisoo Unnie, what is she saying?"

"It's true, Jennie. I caught him cheating at me. And basically, he is having sex with someone when I got to his office."

Jennie lost for words. She didn't utter a word and I saw her gulp. I guess it's good now that she knows the truth. I did not bother waiting for her response and got out her house. I went inside my car and Nayeon followed me. Jennie is still standing not even moving a bit.

"God, she's so complicated. How can she even do this to you and she even called that jerk."

"Let her be.. I guess it's good as well that she called him. My parents wants to see him though."

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