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I'm here at the restaurant where Jisoo instructed me to go. She's going back to Seoul now and I can't wait to see her. I miss her so damn much.

While I was waiting, I ordered a cup of coffee and was just reading my book, inserting earpods to my ears and listening to music Intention by Justin Bieber.

I texted Jisoo but she hasn't replied back. It's been an hour and she did not answered my texts. I was getting worried now actually. Did something happened to her?

I was checking my phone when suddenly I felt someone poked my shoulders and when I looked up, I saw a very gorgeous woman standing in front of me all smiling.

Damn, I miss her.

I immediately stood up and hugged her tight. She hugged me back as well as she was saying not too tight.

"I'm sorry, I just miss you." I said while chuckling.

She smiled at me and seated in front of me.

"I missed you too, Lisa."

We both ordered our food and she also mentioned that she want to tell something very important to me.

"How did it go with your parents by the way?"

"Uhm. I have a good news and a bad news for you though, which one would you like to listen first?"

I felt nervous. They didn't accepted us.

"They're mad, aren't they? They don't want to support us?"

Jisoo smiled faintly and held my hand.

"I think I need to tell you the good news first.." she started. "Mom accepted us. She supported me for my decision.."

I smiled.

"So I think the bad news is... your Dad didn't?"

Jisoo's smile faded and lowered down her head as she nodded slowly at me. I took her hand and kissed the top of it.

"I understand but don't worry, I will do anything to prove to your Dad that I love you so much. I'm willing to take the risk to convince him to support us."

"I am also quite worried because all this years, this is the first time that I saw my Dad being disappointed to me." She said.

"We can do this together, Soo. I know we can. We'll face this together."

Jisoo smiled. That's what I wanted to see.. her smile and her beautiful face.

"I also have one thing to say.."


"I am going to see Hae In in California. I need to tell him personally about us and to stop the marriage thing. As a pay of respect to his family as well."

I did not responded. I was just looking at her without saying any words. This made me worried because she's going there alone and I don't know what will that guy do. He might not agree if Jisoo breaks up with him.


"H-huh? Yeah?"

"Hey.. don't worry. I'm just gonna talk to him."

"Can I go with you? I'm worried."

"I want you to be there but I want to do this alone, Lisa. I understand you're worried, just trust me." Jisoo said while rubbing my hands.

"I won't gonna bother you, I'll stay at the hotel and wait for you."

"That would be more complicated. I want to face her family alone, if they'll find out that I am breaking up with Hae In because of you, you might get in trouble."

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