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"Jisoo, she's so hot! You're so lucky!" Nayeon squeeled.

"Ya! Lucky? I don't even know her and I told you already, she bumped into me earlier and she keeps annoying me."

I'm now pissed. Seulgi and that girl named Lisa went out to get some more drinks as also Seulgi is still waiting for her other friends. And by the time she arrives, she never get her eyes off of me. Does she even know I'm older than her? Tch!

"And Nayeon, may I remind you again that Jisoo Unnie is engaged. She will never flirt with Lisa." Jennie said.

"Jennie, whether I'm engaged or not, I'm not going to flirt with her. She's so young and I'm straight. And can you please stop bringing up that marriage thing?"

"Hahaha chill, Unnie. I'm just excited." She said laughing showing up her gummy smile. Aish, this mandu.

"And why would even Seulgi bring her here Irene? She's still a student." We all turn our heads to Irene waiting for her to respond.

As Seulgi introduced her to us earlier, she said that Lisa is in her last year in college taking Business.

"Yes, she's still a student but she's already 21. Her parents allowed her to drink as long as Seulgi is with her."

"Amazing parents." Nayeon said.

Irene nods. "They are. They just let her do whatever she wants as long as she'll not do anything that could give her parents a disappointment. And Lisa is one of the top students in their university, she's a good daughter and a good sister to Yuna."

"Wow, you know a lot about her." Nayeon said in amusement.

"Ofcourse, she's Seulgi's cousin after all. I even met her parents and they are really nice."

"Does she have a girlfriend?" Jennie asked.

"Ya, Jennie Kim." I gave her a warning look.

"What? I'm just asking Unnie. Besides, base on her looks and how she dress, I can say she's not straight."

True though. As I have observed her feature earlier at the store. She knows how to dress up well, she's giving a vibe of somewhat like a badboy look and at the same time feminine aura.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't checked her out.

"She doesn't have a girlfriend now. As what I have known from Seulgi, she did have a girlfriend before and their relationship lasted 3 or 4 years I guess? Can't remember." Irene said.

Nayeon and Jennie both reacted with amusement.

"Why did they broke up?" I suddenly asked.

"Ohh. Someone's interested." Nayeon smirked.

"I'm not." I said rolling my eyes.

Irene just shrug her shoulders. "Shush. They're coming back."

"Why are you all became so quiet?"

"Nothing, babe. We were just waiting for you."

Then suddenly, Lisa handed me a drink.

"Wine for the beautiful lady?" I glared at her.

"I'm good, thanks."

Nayeon grab the drink in Lisa's hands. "Thanks, Lis. I'll drink this in Jisoo's behalf, she's a hard drinker to be exact. She's a boring person."

I mentally rolled my eyes and I heard Lisa chuckled.

"What's funny?" I asked her.

"Nothing, you're cute."

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