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[NY, 9 AM]

'good morning NY, another beautiful morning! I hope everybody is doing well! but now, let's go and check the news'--

-oh shit...SHIT.

i get up and dress up rapidly...well, as fast as i can. im late for work...AGAIN. is the third time this week! and my boss? well, as u can imagine he doesn't like that...at all!

i go to the kitchen and I pick something to eat while im driving. i don't actually know what i picked, but whatever it is, it doesn't matter. im not even hungry...im stressed!

i close the apartment door and i press the elevator bottom. and insist but is taking to long so i quickly go down the stairs.

once i reach the ground floor i remember i didn't pee but now it's too late. i enter my car, and i go immediately to work.
it's almost 10 AM when I reach there. im seriously not ready to see my boss's reaction.

i pass the corridor so i can go to my desk when i hear my name.

-max! late...again! - he says while he walks in my direction.

-ik, im sorry sir, i can expl--

-explain what? you're fired!

now...im officially screwed. i shouldn't go to party's during the week...bc i know me and i know this would happen.
now my knew job is finding a new job. incredible! this isn't going to be easy.

im back on my apartment and I decide to watch something on TV. as im alone at home and jobless i call my best friend, who's also jobless.


-hey? what? why are u calling? shouldn't u be at work?


-oh, ok got it.

-wanna come to my house?

-i can't now...im with flo...but we can have a party today at flo's house. I'll invite everybody!

-ok, fine. bye!


i end the call and stare the selling. hailee, she's amazing.

-idk why, if I knew i would've already told u! - i answer hailee.

-but...they were such a cute couple... - she says making a cute face.


-sorry, too hot?

-yeah. - i say while i try to feel my tongue.

hailee came to my apartment before we went to the party. she made some kind tea that I never heard about and im seriously concerned if it is healthy.

-let's go. are u ready to take off that funeral face and party?! - hailee says while she makes a little dance with her shoulders.

-yeah yeah, i am.

-it's too hot inside...

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