16 (hot part 1)

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max's pov

im not sleepy and i don't know what to do after that message. i look at haiz again and she's sleeping like a rock. i get up and i go towards the living room. i lay down on the couch and i decide to do a video call with scarlett, and i hope she answers.

after a few seconds scarlett answers. it seems she wasn't sleeping, instead she's just finished having a shower. she's sat on her bed, her wet hair is falling over her shoulders and covering her naked breasts. maybe she's all naked.

-hi. - she says. her voice is hoarse.

-hey. ur still awake.

-so do u, i can't sleep.


-ur not here with me. - her smile doesn't reach her eyes.


-why did u call? - she asks and starts combing her hair.

-i just couldn't wait until tomorrow...

-i see.

-u played dirty with me tonight. - i smile.

-ik, i did it on purpose. - she winks. - but i meant what i said.

-right and im sorry for being a bit rude with u.

-no, it's fine. i understand ur situation right now...

-my situation?

-yeah, u and hailee...

-oh yeah...that.

she begins to comb the hair that previously covered her breasts, leaving them now exposed. i swallow and i feel my erection. jeez, i just can't see her naked.

-are u enjoying the view? - she asks smiling broadly.

-pretty much...yeah. - i blink a few times realising that she knew what i was looking at.

she stops combing her hair and looks at me.

-i want to touch u. - i say hoarsely.

-come here and i'll let u do anything.

-i can't. - i whisper.

-so promise me that tomorrow u will. after work. - she whispers back.

-i promise.


-ur hard, aren't u? - she giggles.

-oh sure i am. - i smile.

-u have to solve that alone, baby.

-don't worry, i will.

-good night, max.

-good night, baby.

i look at her once more.

-aren't u going to end the call? - she asks.

-i don't want to. i want to look at u and that gorgeous body of yours.

-good night, baby. now it's the last time or else i end the call myself.

-alright, good night.

i end the call and i stare the ceiling. im still hard and i wanted scarlett right there, right now. ig i will have to wait for tomorrow.
i've just finished all the work i had for today and now im waiting for scarlett to finish hers.

im sitting on the chair behind my desk and im staring at her. she's very concentrated on whatever she's doing. im gald that she has her beautiful blonde hair down, bc it reminds me yesterday's video call.

suddenly she gets up. she looks so much like a high school cheerleader today. oh i really want to take off that skirt.

we head together to the elevator. once we're inside i look down at her.

-do u know how much i love cheerleaders?

-no. - she whispers.

-oh baby, u have no idea. - i say hoarsely.

i kiss her immediately, my tongue invading her mouth. oh, really missed her.

i feel her hands on my hair as my hands go up her thigh. once they reach to the bottom of her skirt i lift it up and i step back so i can see her panties. i stare at her aroused by the view.

-turn around. - i command.

when she does what i said i come closer to her, touching her backside with my erection. i hear her gasp. i come closer to her ear.

-u feel it? that's what u do to me.

i step back and i fix her skirt.

-u should definitely wear more skirts. - i murmur.

i look back at her and she's looking at the elevator's door smiling and blushing. ik she wasn't expecting that.

the elevator arrives at the parking lot and we walk together towards my car.

-destination? - i ask softly.

-my apparemment. - she murmurs still blushing.

i smile at her and i start the engine.
i start unbuttoning her shirt. i slide it over her shoulders and i see her breasts right away.

-do u go to work without a bra? - i raise my eyebrow.

-i was just like this today because i knew u would like it...

-i love it. now your skirt.

i kneel down in front of her and pull her skirt along with her panties until they both fall to her feet. without getting up i hold out my hand for her so she can steady herself as she steps out of her skirt.

i stand up and look her in the eyes. her lips are partly opened and her breathing is getting louder and more irregular.

-touch me, pls. - she whispers.

-are u begging, mrs johansson?

-yes max.

-undress me first.

she looks at me and starts unbuttoning my shirt. after that she plants kisses on my neck, my chest, over my scars, down to my belly. then she kneels and unzips my pants and brings them down along with my boxers. she looks up and me and then plants kisses on my pubic hair, then on my balls, and then i finally feel her mouth all over me.

i can't contain a groan when she starts sucking and licking my dick. i tuck her hair with my hand, so i command her moves. then i let her hair down again, so she can stop.

-pls scarlett, i don't want to cum now. - i say breathlessly.

but she continues and i can't control myself. she gets up again and looks and me, smiling triumphantly.

-ur the devil. - i say hoarsely.

i put my hands over her ass and i squeeze it a bit. i pull her close to me until our bodies touch. her breasts against my chest, my erection between her legs. she puts her arms around my neck and i feel her fingers in my hair. i lean down and kiss her. a kiss full of passion, desire and lust.

oh how i want this girl all to myself. how i want to fuck her in every possible way. how i want to be by her side always.

we stop the kiss and she smiles.

-i have something that we could try.

-really? okay, show me.

[to be continued]

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