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max pov

suddenly, there's an email on my mail box.

-haiz, they answered.

-let me see. - she says taking the computer and putting it on her lap.

"Johansson and Co.

your CV was accepted. please come to the company's headquarters as soon as possibly to schedule a job interview.

thank you"

-so? - i ask since i couldn't read the email.

-they accepted ur cv and now they want u to schedule a job interview. u have to go to the company's headquarters.

-ok, what if we went there?

-now? - haiz asks


-fine. - she gets up from the couch - i advise you to wear something formal, to call her attention, it can bring benefits.

she says at the same time she walks away and goes towards the closet.

-ha ha ha, that was so funny hailee steinfeld. - i say ironically while i roll my eyes.

-admit it, i am funny. - she says screaming from the closet.

i go to the closet. hailee is trying to find some 'formal' clothes for me to wear. she finds something that catches her attention.

-this, u should go with this one. - she says showing me the suite she picked.


-remember that day? u asked me out in this suit. it looks good on u and she will love it as i did.

-yes, maybe she will love the suit and not me... - i murmure.

we make an awkward silence. hailee gazes the floor. she's upset with what i said, but i didn't mean it. it just escaped my mouth and i blame myself for not controlling it.

-im sorry haiz, i didn't--

-i know...well, go dress up. - she says giving me the suite but still not looking at me in the eyes.

haiz leaves the closet. i dress up the suit. i look at the mirror and i sight. "remember that day?". how could i forget. i loved hailee, i really did. there was this day when i gained courage and i asked hailee for a date. she thought it was a "best-friends-date" thing, but it wasn't. where were at her favorite restaurant, i planned everything. after dinner we went to a walk near the coast. the moon was shinning bright. i could see her face, she was happy, so was i.

flashback on


-yeah? - she looked at me smiling.

-i wanted to tell u something...

-right, go on.

-well, i love u. at first i thought this feeling wasn't real, we were just friends, but i always felt something special around u. since university i wanted to tell u this but...i also didn't want to ruin our friendship. u know ur very important to me and...life without u would be very difficult. everyone liked u, u were the pretty popular girl, but no one knew u like i did. besides pretty ur funny and kind and so sweet. with all of this, i just wanted to ask if u feel the same...about me...

-omg, max. i like u, i really do...but, ur just a friend to me and...im interested in someone else...

-oh, okay...but, we're still friends?

-yes, sure.

she hugs me. i wanted to cry but i tryed to contain myself. i didn't want to show her that. that fragility.

flashback off

-max!? are u ready to go? - hailee says screaming from the living room.

-yes, yes i am.
-so it's here? - hailee says looking at the enormous building in front of us.

we are in manhattan, surrounded by skyscrapers all made in glass and steel.

-i think so. - i answer her.

-there's only one way to find out. go in, ill wait in the car.

-right, wish me luck.

i open the car door. i take a deep breath and i walk towards the entrance. there's a security guard.

-hi! uhm...i would like to enter...im going to schedule a job interview.

he doesn't answer. is he hearing me? somehow, i hear him whispering something to some kind of microphone that is close to his neck.

-u may enter. - he says finally.


i enter. my heart beat is so fast that it feels like it will come out.

the reception looks gorgeous, all in marble and very luminous bc of the sun light. there's a huge lamp above my head. in front of me there's a counter made of wood. it seems to be old but very beautiful. there's this girl behind it.

-hi. - i say smilling.

there's no answer. what's wrong with these people? i clear my throat making a sound that echoes throughout the room.

-oh, sorry. how can i help u?

-my name is max wilton and i would like to schedule a job interview. i sent an email applying for the office of secretary...

i hear a sound. someone is walking towards us. i look to the corridor and there's her. i can smell her perfume. she's using a dark blue suit coat, a dark blue skirt and a white shirt. her hair was loose. maybe she went home after she left my house.

-mrs. johansson, mr. wilton is asking to schedule a job interview. what day would be the best for u?

-oh, we can do it now, i have this afternoon free. - she says looking at the girl. - if mr. wilton doesn't mind, of course. - she says gazing me.

-sure. - i answer immediately.

-pls, follow me. - she says and turns her back to me.

with all pleasure. - i say to myself.

we go through a corridor that leads us to the elevator. she presses the button and the doors open. she looks at me and i signal for her to go in first.

-thank u, mr. wilton. - she says while im entering.

the doors close.

-or should i say max? - she says gazing me with a smile.

i look at her. my gaze goes up and down spontaneously. she's so gorgeous and so sexy. she catches me staring at her but still i don't stop it.

the doors open. she gets off the elevator and i follow her. we are in other room of the building. this is much higher than the one before but also covered in marble. it's full of desks, i bet there's the place where the other people work.

she goes to a big door on her left side and opens it.

suddenly im confronted with an immense room, very well decorated as I had never seen it before. there was a big window behind her desk and i could see manhattan from it.

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