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max's pov

the next morning i wake up feeling a weight over me. i open my eyes and i see her blonde hair all over my chest. scarlett is sleeping like an angel and i really don't want to wake her up.

i don't really remember how we got to my room but we did somehow.

as i wait for her to wake up i think about us and all this, whatever it is. we need to talk and i need to understand. we've been together for so long but we barely know each other bc our relationship is based on sex.

i feel scarlett moving. she lifts her neck and looks at me.

-hey. - i say.

-hi. - she whispers and gives a cute smile.

i caress her cheek and brush a strand of her hair behind her ear.

-what were u thinking about? - she whispers.

i look at her in the eyes, her beautiful green eyes. my hands caress her back.


-how did u know i was thinking? - i asmused.

-ur breath changed and when i looked at u i could see u were distant...concentrated, perhaps. so, what were u thinking about?

-us. - i answer. - i was thinking about us.

-we need to talk, don't we? - she says and looks away.

-yes, baby. - i try to smile but it's difficult.

she looks back at me. i feel her hand caress my cheek. i close my eyes for a bit and i realize that i rarely get this kind of touch from scarlett. usually she only touches my body when we fuck, and that's why i feel this touch as something strange...but good.

-hey big boy, don't fall asleep. - she says and giggles.

i open my eyes. she's smiling and i can't help smiling back at her.

-u bewitched me, scarlett johansson. - i whisper.

-i say the same, max wilton.

i come closer to her. our foreheads touch. my hand is now on her cheek. i move closer and bite her lower lip lightly.

-oh, i love that lip.

she presses her belly on my morning erection and kisses me full of desire but i suddenly stop the kiss. she looks at me with raised eyebrows, amazed and not understanding me reaction.

-no, we're not having sex, we need to talk. - i say sternly.

she continues staring at me. i place my hand under her chin and force her to look at me.

-do u love me or im just a sex toy to u? - i ask and my voice fades.

-well, it's still unclear to me...but...i do feel something different that I never felt before with anyone.

i sigh.

-i see...and how's that?

-it feels great, i feel more me when im with u.

-its good to know. - i say trying to hide my discontent.

-and u? am i just a sex toy to u?

-no, ur obviously more than that. idk if i can call it 'love' but there's something i feel for u, for sure.


she looks down at my chest and bites her lower lip. the scars.

-ur bitting your lip. - i say.

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