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max's pov

im still sit in my bed when i hear the bathroom door opening. scarlett appears and she's wearing the pijamas that I gave her. she is gorgeous even using that.

-i forgot to give u the pijamas so i put it there.

-i noticed u entering. - she says and smirks as she sits on the edge of the bed, right next to me.

-yeah, about that--

-shh, stop talking. - she says putting her index finger on my lips. - go have a shower.

i get up and i start walking towards the bathroom but then i stop and i turn to her. she's still sitting on the bed, but now in the middle of it.

-u mind if i sleep here on your bed?

-no, it's fine

-right. - she says and i finally go shower.

when i finish my shower i go back to my bedroom. scarlett is already sleeping. quietly i lay down.

-good night. - i whisper.

she's really sleeping bc i don't hear the reply.
i wake up hearing a phone alarm. i didn't set mine, maybe it's scarlett's.
i check the time, it's 6:00 AM.

-good morning. - i hear scarlett saying. her voice is hoarse from sleep and i admit it's kinda sexy.

i put down my phone and i look at her.

-good morning. u slept well?

-yeah. i didn't want to wake u up but i have to work.

-it's fine.

scarlett looks at me. she shifts her gaze to my erection and gives a small smile. however, she suddenly snaps out of her trance and clears her throat.

-it was involuntary... - she says.

i don't say a thing, i just smile.

we make an awkward silence for some seconds but after that i feel her hand on my dick. she looks at me in the eyes as she starts to moving her hand up and down. the way she does that is amazing. after some minutes she starts moving her hand with more speed.

-im about to cum. - i say hoarsely.

she smiles. her smile is so beautiful and breathtaking. i cum. she stops the moves and takes her hand off my member.

-that was amazing. - i say exhausted.

-yes, it was. - she says coming closer to my lips.

she gets up and goes to the bathroom. i get up and i go to the closet. i change my clothes and i get to the kitchen. i start preparing breakfast and after some minutes the girl shows up using the same clothes she wore the day before.

-i hate wearing dirty underwear so i hope you don't mind that i'm wearing one of your boxers.

i look at her. she lifts the waistband and shows them.

the calvin klein grey ones

-my favorite ones. seriously? - i say trying to hide the smile.

i finish preparing the breakfast and put it on the table.

-now that I know that i'll keep them with me. - she says giving a cute smile.

she sits on the chair in front of me.

-oh, so that's it? u come into my house bc i invited u and now u steal my things? - i say and giggle as i sit down.

-ur the one who chose to invite me, that's not my problem. - she says shrugging her shoulders and smiles.

-fine, u win. - i roll my eyes and she laughs.
-u seriously don't want me to drive u to work? - i ask one more time.

im near to the door waiting for her to finish writing something on a piece of paper.

-no, i'll go by Uber. - she says.

-so u prefer Uber than my calm relaxing drive? - i smile.

-not saying i do.

she says putting down the pen and coming closer to me. she puts her lips close to mine.

-call me. - she whispers and kisses me in the corner of my lips as i feel her hand inside my pocket.

she stands in front of me, opens the door and she walks away. the Uber arrives minutes later.

when the Uber disappears i put my hand inside my pocket and i feel a small piece of paper. i look at it and i realise it has her phone number written.
since i have nothing to do and im alone I decided to start finding some jobs online. im sitting on the couch with the computer on my lap.

-no...no...no... - i as i skip some offers.

i close my eyes for a bit and i remember what happened this morning. i want that girl.

i open my eyes again and i see this add.

'Johansson & Co.: we're looking for someone for the office of secretary'

well, it was something i wanted to reach in my last job, but i didn't obviously bc of my behavior. i mean, u can't be a secretary arriving late to ur job.

i click on the add and i read the requirements, i have everything they want on my CV. i click there to send an email to apply for the job.

once i finish sending the email i decide to call hailee.

-hey haiz!

-heyy, what's up?

-can u come here, i need to talk and i also want some company.

-yeah sure, im on my way.
hailee is laying on the couch and im sitting on the the floor.

-i just sent an email applying for a job. - i say finally.

-oh, and what's the company? - she looks at me.

-johansson & CO, ig.

-that's scarlett's company... - she says with a calming voice.

-WHAT? - i say not believing it.

-yes, u didn't know that?

-i just met her two days ago, how was i supposed to know that? if i knew i wouldn't send that email!

-u don't know her but u let her sleep in ur house and sharing the same bed?

-well...hm... - i say scratching my neck.

-u know what? - she says getting up - i think it would be great for u to work there.

-great how?

-idk, but it can have some advantages. - she says making a suggestive smile.

-no, no no no.

-what, ur going to tell me u two didn't do nothing yesterday night? - she says raising her eyebrow.

-actually we didn't. - making a ironic surprised face.

-hm, tell me everything. i wanna know every single detail. - she says while she sit on the couch again.

hailee stayed at my house the rest of the day. we were both sitting in the couch listening to music. hailee's reading one of my books while im constantly checking my email. im really anxious to know if i had a reply.

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