11 (hot)

173 8 0

max's pov

they end their conversation and scarlett immediately pulls me with her to the bar.
now i got to see her clearly. she's wearing a beautiful silver dress, her back was almost fully exposed and her hair was tied up.

scarlett goes to a place where there was less people, so we could be more comfortable.

-why were u so late? - she asks looking at me very seriously. - i thought u weren't coming!

-first of all, im not british. it's a courtesy of mine to arrive 10 minutes later and it seems that i didn't miss much. but btw, why didn't u let me pick u up at the airport? i missed u so much and i wanted to see you. - i say as i put my hand on her waist.

-well, i didn't want u to see me before tonight, so ur eager for me was bigger. - she says smiling and looking suggestively at me.

-right, u really like playing with me. - i smile.

-oh, sure i do. - she smiles back.

she turns around and goes aways.

-where are u going? - i ask.

-the party is mine, i can't be here forever. - she says as she looks back at me.

damn it, she's hot.
scarlett spent all her time around the guests, and from what i heard she sometimes talked about me and my work. the only way we communicated was by texting each other, which was a really boring way to talk. i was at the bar and exchanging glances with her. she looks gorgeous but i can't deny that i wanted to see her in my bed without her beautiful dress. i leave the party room and i head to the office. i sit on her chair and i text her.

"baby, when are u planning to finish this? i want to go with u to place so we can be more comfortable. i want to kiss those lips and ik i shouldn't do that here despite all the will."

"calm down, max. i'll be all yours tonight."

"come meet me at the 4th floor."

"what? are u insane? what are u doing there?"

"u have to come here to see."

i wait for her. my feet are on the desk and there's only the desk lamp on.

and there she is. she stopped at the door looking at me in the eyes. i can't help smiling as i see her.

-sitting behind my desk, really? but i can't deny that you look good there. - she closes the door and locks it.

she comes towards me. i take my feet out of the desk and she sits on my lap. i place my hands on her waist.

-how was Paris?

-it was nice although i had a lot of work. i've already visited the city so, nothing new. - she shrugges her shoulders and looks away.

-since ur back from France, can u speak a little bit of french for me? - i smile as i gaze her.

-oui, bien sûr. que veux tu que je dise?

oh gosh, her french accent is so...sexy.
i could hear her talking in french for hours.

-oh, wait i only speak french to a certain level! - i laugh and she laughs with me.


we gaze each other intensively. she shifts her gaze to the desk near us, i can see she's looking at the condom i left there.

-im finishing the party. - she says and gets up, then walks towards the door.

she opens it and disappeares in the dark. the only thing i hear is the elevator.

she comes back a few minutes later and she locks the door again after she comes in. i get up and i walk towards her. i hug her from the back and i get closer to her ear.

-ur so pretty in that dress, but i prefer u naked. - i whisper.

i start to unzip her dress very slowly. once I finish i take the straps off her dress, running my hands over her shoulders.

-have u ever thought of fucking in here?

-yes, actually i did. - she says with some difficulty.

i could hear her breath getting even more intense. the dress falls on her feet. now she's almost naked, she's only wearing panties. she turns me on so easily.

-u naughty. instead of working ur thinking about those things!? what a shame.

i put my hands over her breasts and i squeeze them a little hard and i hear the girl gasp with movement.

-do u know how difficult it was being 4 days without u? we should compensate those days, don't u think? - i say a little bit louder.

after i say these words she turns around, we're face-to-face now. she places her arms around my neck, putting our body's together.

-i would love to do that. - she says as she starts taking off my coat, then my shirt and then my pants, leaving me just in boxers. she kisses me.

i get away from her and i sit on the chair. she places herself on the other side of the desk and starts dancing for me. her body drives me crazy with every movement.

when she finishes her dance she puts her hands on the table and leans over it.

-kiss me. - she imposes.

i don't waste a second and immediately i kiss her. when we stop the kiss i get up.

-stay where u are. - i say.

i walk around the table and stand behind the girl. i take off her panties, now leaving her completely exposed. i take off my boxers, im hard, obviously, i pick the condom that I left on the desk before and i place my dick threatening to enter. i can hear her breathing harder and harder.

then i enter inside her. i place both hands around her waist. i start to move slowly back and forth. i hear the girl moan and i feel her heat.

a start moving faster and stronger and after some minutes she starts tightening around my member.

-so soon, baby? i still want to have more fun.

i stop the moves and i pull myself out of her. i hear her protesting something, which makes me laugh.

-i want u to ride. - i say and spank her ass.

i go back to the chair and scarlett follows me.

she sits on me and starts to move slowly. she moans so loud and i love her moans. i kiss her neck and then her breasts. i put my hands over her ass, helping her with the moves. i spank her hard on that place and she starts moving even faster. she gets tighter and tighter and comes at the same time as i do.

we kiss, a passionate kiss full of desire. she puts her head on my shoulder and i kiss her neck as i massage her back with both my hands.

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