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max's pov

suddenly i wake up. i open my eyes very slowly and i look to the other side of the bed. she's not here. i check my phone and its 10:10 AM already so she may be at work. i realize there's a message from scarlett.

"good morning max. i just wanted to say that i loved last night and i really want to do do it more often.
see u<3"

oh god. she wants to do it again. im not complaining but...what about work? im about to be working with her every single day so i think that having this kind of 'sexual relationship' is not going to feel right.
|some days later|
i get out of my car. i close the door and i adjust my jacket. i walk to the entrance and the security guard let's me in. as i put my feet inside i can already feel her sent.

oh gosh, she smells so good!

i get closer to the counter where a girl gives me some informations about where im going to work, what im going to do, what i should and what i shouldn't do, etc.

i go towards the elevator and i click on the 10th floor as the girl told me previously. then i turn to my left and there it is. the big door. i knock.

-come in. - i hear scarlett's voice.

i come in and i close the door. i look at her. she's right in front of me, sat down with her laptop and a lot of papers on her desk. she's using glasses and she seems pretty concentrated as she looks at her laptop screen. she looks at me, finally, and smiles.

-good morning mr. wilton. - she says getting up. she's using a black suit with a white shirt.

-good morning, mrs. johansson.

-ready for the first day of work? - she asks smiling.

-absolutely. - i answer.

-fortunately! this is going to be your desk. you can start working now. any doubts just ask.


i sit behind my desk, my new work place. well, the chair is comfortable. i lean back a little and when i try to get up again i can't. scarlett looks at me blankly and i give a wry smile.

well, this could be worse.

i look for a button on the chair. when i find it i press it and the chair returns to normal.


i turn the pc on.

what should i do now? think max, think.

i open the email. the box is full.

damn, this is my first day!

i open the first email and see a bunch of graphs about "profits and expenses". my job now is to consolidate all the information and make a big text with it, send it to scarlett, she reviews it, makes the necessary changes and that's it.

easy, isn't it?

now i try to concentrate to the maximum and begin to analyze all the graphics and start making notes. as soon as i start i get a call on the phone on top of my desk and pick it up.

-johansson & Co., how can I help u?

-im chris and i would like to have a meeting with scarlett about the distribution of products in europe.

-alright, just a minute pls.

i put the call waiting and i look at scarlett. she's very concentrated.

-a man named chris wants to have a meeting about the distribution of products in europe, when should i schedule? - i ask.

-i think wednesday at 5 PM would be fine but pls check my agenda to confirm. - she says without taking her eyes from the papers that are in front of her.

-and where is it?

-u have access to it on ur pc, and ur the one responsible for it, any appointment for the day?


-so that's it. wednesday, 5 PM.


i come back to the call.

-would wednesday be okay for u, sir?

-sure, what time? - he asks.

-5 PM.

-right, thank u.

-have a nice day.

i end the call and i go back to what i was doing.

wait, what was i doing? oh, right, taking notes from the graphics.
now it's lunch time.
i brought a lunchbox from home. it's a simple lunch, made in a hurry but tasty.

i see scarlett walk past the cafeteria. she looks at me and smiles. i smile back and i continue staring at her. she is talking with some other workers and they seem to be very interested in what she was saying.

-so...this is max, the new secretary. - scarlett says as she walks towards me. everyone that was around her follows her.

she puts her hands on my shoulders and makes a little massage.

-hi. - i say smiling as i look to the rest of my colleagues.

-as i told u, he's new but he has a lot of experience. - scarlett says and stops the massages.

she continues talking with them about me, as if i wasn't there. they finish their conversation and scarlett looks at me.

-well, after lunch i want u to go back to the office.

she says when they move away with a severe expression on her face.

-right, i'll be there soon.

scarlett stares at me without answering. i can't understand what she's feeling or thinking bc her facial and body expressions are unreadable. she turns her back and goes away.
once I finish my lunch i go towards the office. i knock and i hear scarlett's voice.

-come in. - she says

i open the door and there she is. very concentrated on her work. i'm standing up in front of her.

-max, i need to tell u something.

she says getting up and taking her glasses out. she comes closer to me and puts her hand on my tie and places her gaze on it. she starts to tighten and loosen my tie.

-the company is going to celebrate its birthday and we are thinking of organizing a party for all the company's employees. i know you're still in a trial week, but since i think you'll be keeping the place, i wanted to invite you to the company's anniversary party. it would be a way of introducing you to the partners and other employees of the branches, as your position is quite important.

she tightens the tie a little tighter, making me feel a little choked up. i place my hand on her wrist to stop her and she looks at me.

-i would love to go but...don't u think it's too soon for me to go to a company party?

-oh, no i don't. - she says and smirks. - so, ur going?

she's so close to me. i can't help gazing her beautiful lips which were slightly parted.

-yes. - i say almost whispering.

my hand is still on her wrist and we gaze each other for a while. someone knocks and we get apart.

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