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max's pov

i wake up with a headache. i look around but the sun light hurts my eyes. when they get used to it i notice that im not at home. i look to the other side of the bed and i see the blonde girl from yesterday night. i wonder how where here and where we are. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize we're both dressed.

i get up, i open the door and i hear some noise. i walk down the corridor until i see hailee and flo in the kitchen.

-good morning. - i say scratching my eyes.

-hey. - i hear hailee's voice.

when i look i see her waiting for her breakfast. in front of her. near oven is her girlfriend flo cooking something.

-c'mon max, sit! - haiz says and i do what she tells.

we have a little chat but we are interrupted by the blonde girl entering the kitchen.

-good morning. - she says.

-hi scarlett, have a sit! - flo says.

so her name is scarlett, hm. it fits her, pretty good actually.

scarlett sits in front of hailee who gives her a smile. scarlett smiles back.

-hey. - I say finally.

-hi. - she looks at me and gives a cute smile.

-here we go. - flo says while she's putting everything he cooked on the table.

-the food looks delicious. - the girl says and looks at me.

-sure it does. - I answer and i look back at her.
we spend the whole afternoon at flo's house. we watch movies, eat junk food. well, i never said we were healthy.

we were in the living room playing some kind of board game but all the sudden me and haiz got tired of it. scarlett and flo were still playing and i took this opportunity to ask hailee how we, me and scarlett, end up in the same bed.

-haiz, can we talk...in private?

-yes, sure, follow me. - hailee goes to the kitchen.

she closes the kitchen door and looks at me.

-i wanted to ask u something. how did i end up in the same bed as scarlett?

-well, first you both were to drunk, and so was flo. you and scarlett were already sleeping in the couch and flo was still drinking. i decided you and scarlett would stay here. i woke u guys up and took you to the guest room. you guys immediately fell asleep.

-oh, ok...

-florence and scarlett are stepsisters, so that's why i didn't mind scarlett being here. but i didn't know that the girl u were talking about was her.

-we danced together last night, that's why i asked what happened after that.

hailee widens her eyes. she's shocked.

-you and scar--

suddenly the door opens and flo enters.

-you guys are going to take more time here? we're having a lot of fun in the living room!

-we're going now. - i answer.
-do u girls want to go out? - i ask.

-omg, yes! let's go. - hailee says smiling.

when everyone leaves the house florence closes the door. we're going in my car and of course im the one who's driving. florence is sitting in the passenger sit next to me and hailee and scarlett are in the back sits. the music inside the car is super loud and the girls on the back are super hyped. although florence is almost falling asleep.

we decided to go to the coast. coast at night it's just different.

florence brought the drinks. we sat on the floor, we laughed, we ran and we drank. we were having a really good time together. however, scarlett looked quite sad. idk if she's sad but she wasn't enjoying it as the rest of us were. maybe she felt a bit out of context. i mean, i know hailee and florence since university, we are friends since then.

now we were just enjoying the silence of night and the noise the waves make.

-it's getting quite late, i think we should go. - scarlett says interrupting that silence.

i look at her the exact same moment when she was staring at me. she didn't stop staring even when i noticed that. the eye contact we were making was intense.

-yes, i agree. - florence replies and takes me out of trance.
i left hailee and florence at flo's house. now it was just me and scarlett in my car.

-it's getting late...and ur house is a bit further away...u mind staying at mine? - i ask scarlett.

-no, it's fine. - she says looking at the window.

-is everything okay? - i ask as I look at her.


i wanted to place my hand on top of her thigh. i confess that i wanted that girl to be mine tonight but i just can't simple make that. i sigh.

we hear the silence the rest of the way until we reach my house.

i get out of my car and i go to the other side to open the door for her. she seems tired. maybe is hangover or maybe she's on her girl days.

we enter my house and i turn on the lights.

-feel free. the bathroom is there. u can go take a shower first, i'll wait here. u have clean towels on the top cupboard. if u need something just yell.


scarlett enters the bathroom and closes the door. i go to my closet and choose a pyjamas for her.

-scarlett, may i? - i say as i knock the door.

she gives me no answer. i knock again but nothing. i slowly open the door and i see the girl inside the shower box. maybe she didn't listen with the sound of the water. thank god i only see her back. i can see beautiful tattoo. her long blonde hair is so gorgeous. i put the pijamas so she can dress it. i close the door.

i go to my bedroom and i sit on the edge of the bed. i think about what i saw just now.

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