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max's pov

-omg max! what happened? u took so long!

-chill haiz, we just talked. i mean, they didn't actually talk...

-jeez max, was that so bad?

-well, i never knew i could be so cold, so yeah.

i look back at the place where scarlett and lizzie where before but now they're gone.

i look back at haiz and she looking at me. i can see the concern in her eyes.

-what are u going to do? - she asks.

-nothing, i did what i had to do.

-u sure u okay? - haiz asks.

-don't worry about me, u should be worried about yourself. - i say and i raise my eyebrow at her.


-i didn't meant to be rude...

-it's okay, ik. - she says looking at her vodka.

-let's go home. - i say finally as i get up.
-u can stay in my bed, i'll sleep on the couch. - i say.

-pls max, u can stay. i need some company.

-u sure u don't mind?

-if im telling u that then yes, im sure. - she rolls her eyes at me and i can't help smiling.

she looks back at me and smiles.

-stop laughing at me! - she slaps my arm.

-im not laughing. - i say and my smile broadens.

-yeah, but i know ur make fun of me!

she sits on the edge of my bed and leans back. i do the same so now we're side by side.

-no, im not. - i giggle and i kiss her forehead. - let's sleep, pls?

-alright dad. - she says and rolls her eyes again.

-oh? - i say confused but amused.
-i really don't want to go. - i say once more.

-max, we have already talked about that. it's the fifth time u say that this morning. - hailee finishes my tie knot. - done!

-haiz...what am i going to do? - even trying to sound normal i can't hide the anxiety in my voice.

-well, at work u talk only about work. there she's only ur boss, nothing more. if u think like that it will help. now, i think u should go.

-right. u don't work today?

-no, day off.

-okay. see u later.

-laters baby. - she says with a really bad flirt tone and winks at me.

i roll my eyes and i close the front door.
-good morning, mrs johansson.

i say as i enter the office. scarlett is working on her laptop and doesn't look at me.

-good morning, mr wilton.

i sit on my desk and i check my emails. there's nothing new.

i look back at scarlett, which was looking at me but then shifts her gaze to the laptop.

-so, our trip to Milan it's booked? - she asks still looking at the screen in front of her.

-yes. - i answer and i notice that im still looking at her. despite everything she's still beautiful.

-okay, great.


it's lunch time and we haven't speak since early morning.

the distance between us is so visible that there are already rumors in the company we are upset with each other. it seems that no one is trying to find out why, which is great. i don't want the whole employees of this company to know the thing we had together. i don't want it on magazine covers.
-haiz, could u pls bring my phone.

-hang on! - she shouts from the living room.

my phone has been ringing for 2 mins and im too tired to get up from my bed.

-it's scarlett. - she says as she gives my phone.

-hi - scarlett says when i answer the call.

-hi - i say coldly.

-im just calling to tell u that the trip to Milan has been postpone for the next two weeks...they were having some issues with the management and they want us only when they solve the problem, which is predicted for the next two weeks.

-alright, thanks for the information. good night, mrs johansson.

-good night max and...sorry.

i hang up and hailee is looking at me waiting for an explanation.

-they postponed the trip to Milan.

-oh, why?

-scarlett says it's due to some "issues". uk what i think? i think she just did this to avoid being with me a whole week after what happened.

-that's a fair point, still u don't know if that's the reason. - she lays down next to me.


i start messing with her hair. then my hand trails a path to her cheek, caressing the spot.

she gets up slightly and lies down again, but this time on top of me. we look at each other for a while. the girl runs her hand through my hair. our breathing quickens and i feel my erection grow. hailee touches her lips to mine and we kiss. i don't really know what's going on but i know that our bodies are in tune.

-we shouldn't be doing this. - i say in the middle of the kiss.

-ik. - she answers and kisses me again.

this is like living my teenage dream, remembering all the years i had a crush on her and now, after all those years, we're here, together.

i just know that what i want to do right now is take off all my clothes and lose myself in her.
it's too early to go to sleep and, even after all those intense sensations im not tired, neither is haiz.

we're both naked in my bed, listening to our breaths. hailee is hugging me with her head on my shoulder while my hand caresses her arm. her leg over mine and i can't move, but i also don't want to go anywhere.

-let's have a shower? - i aks. my voice is hoarse.

-no. i don't wanna get up. - she answers

-too lazy?


i smile at her answer and we stay like that, after all this time when we were simply best friends. now we lay on the same bed, naked, as if we held a relationship since we met.

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