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scarlett's pov

im beginning to feel something different for this man. when i lost him i finally noticed how important he is for me. i felt so guilty and i just couldn't live without him.

im laid over him with my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. he's gloriously asleep. hmm, i wanted to play with his nipples but i'll wake him up. i should let him sleep.

i feel his hands moving up and down my back. he's awake.

-hey baby. - he says with a beautiful smile.

i go up and i kiss him. when we stop the kiss he looks at me, serious.

-what's wrong? - i ask.

-u talked...on ur sleep. - he murmurs.

oh shit, that's the first time anyone tells me i talked on my sleep. what did i say?

and as if he could read my mind he instantly replies.

-u said u felt guilty and u were apologizing. for what, baby?

-well, for treating u like some toy. for being with lizzie at the same time i was with u. and...

-hush. it's fine. we have already talked about that. it's over, everything is fine. - one of his hands caresses my face.

we stay like that, looking at each other.

-did i say anything else? - i ask

-u said u loved me. - he murmurs.

is that true? do i love him? is that what i feel about him? love?

i lift my torso, sitting on his belly. the hand that was caressing my face before is now tracing a path from my neck, to my breast, then my belly and stops on my waist. he gazes me intently. he's gaze on me makes me feel prettier, hotter. his touch does things to me that i can't explain with words. i just feel my heart pounding harder and my breath more irregular.

-ur beautiful, scarlett. - he says finally and looking at me in the eyes.

he lifts his torso and i and i slide down to his morning hardon. i blush and he smiles. my hands go to his shoulders as he hugs my waist with his long arms. he sinks his head between my neck and shoulder. i feel his lips leave a kiss behind my ear, making me giggle.

-what are u laughing at, mrs johansson? - he asks softly.

he kisses my neck where he left hickeys the night before. one of my hands goes to his head, pulling him closer, wanting more and more. then his kisses go down to my shoulder and he repeats the same process on the other side. my lips are parted, im breathing louder, im feeling wet and feeling his hard member touching my sex isn't helping me.

he stops and looks at me.

-u seem hungry. - he says and cocks his head to the side.

-yes. - i say breathless. - but not for food. - i think.

he bites my bottom lip and sucks it.

-i'll cook the breakfast. stay here.

he lifts me and i lay on my bed. well, he's going to cook but it doesn't even know where the things are. i laugh at the thought and he looks at me.

-are u laughing at me? - he raises his eyebrows and looks confused.

his facial expression is so exaggerated it makes me laugh harder.

max's pov

scarlett's laugh is so pleasant to hear. even though i try to maintain my furious look i just can help but smile. the look of her laying on her bed naked and laughing is something that i just don't want to forget.

i lay over her and i kiss her.

-how come that a devil can become a goddess? - i smile.

-idk, u tell me. - she smirks.
im wearing my grey sweatpants but no t-shirt. i cooking some scrambled eggs with bacon. i feel scarlett hugging me from behind. i turn around and i see she's wearing my t-shirt and nothing else.

-breakfast is ready. i told u to stay in bed. - i smile.

-sorry, im just really hungry. - she says. she picks a grape and puts it on her mouth, then smirks.

-ur playful this morning, aren't u? - i smile and i put my hands on her waist.

she puts her arms around her neck.

-yeah...and i know u love that... - she smiles teasingly.
the day went on really slow...and when i say really slow i mean like really really slow. maybe because me...i mean we had a lot of work today. me and scarlett were at the phone and sending emails almost all day. and now, that i want to relax, i remember that I really have to talk with hailee.

im almost leaving the office when i decide to text her.

"hey haiz...i think we should talk...about everything. can we met at my apartment? i know ur probably staying there. pls answer me. max."

i send the message and i wait.

-are u staying there? - scarlett says smiling. - i want to close the office.

-oh, sorry. i just send a message to hailee. u know...we should talk about it as soon as possible and we're going to Milan in 2 days, so.

-oh, okay. i really think u should do that.

-yeah. i guess i see u in ur apartment. i'll call u when im on my way.

-yes, max. see u later. - she says and kisses his cheek.

i leave the office and i see scarlett going towards her car. i get into my car and i look at my phone. haiz answered.

"hi max. yeah, i also think we should talk. meet me at ur apartment. hailee."

alright max, let's go. relax, stay call. take a deep breath. exactly. now start the car and drive to ur apartment. it's going to be okay...it's going to be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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