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max's pov

for a whole week, me and hailee have been acting like we were lovers. whenever we're together there's no shortage of hugs and kisses, even when we're in a public place.

i can't deny, it's kinda strange but it feels good. it's weird because until now we were best friends who endured each other's pain after each other's breakup (well, it wasn't really a breakup for me since me and scarlett had nothing but sex). but good because after all these years, the girl I had a crush on in college is now more than a best friend.

-one more, pls. - she yells to the bartender.

-u wanna get drunk!? - i ask giggling.

-uhm, im already drunk...so... - she says smiling at me.

-and then how do i take u home with me? - i smile.

-oh, idk. i just know that u can do whatever u want with me. - she winks and i laugh.

-let's go, haiz. it's enough.

-no, it's not. i don't want to go now, it's too soon. - she protests like some kid who wants a toy and her parents refuse to buy.

i look at her in the eyes.

-oh baby, pls. - she pouts and i sigh.

-we can stay a bit more but promise me u won't drink more.

-alright, i promise.

i place a quick kiss on her lips and the girl smiles. i smile back and put my arm around her waist to hold her.

i feel someone is watching us. i look around and there she is. scarlett johansson, the blond girl and she is looking at us intently. i hope haiz doesn't notice, i don't want to create any problems.

i look at hailee and she is talking with some friends. i look back at where scarlett was before but she's not there. i look around once more and i see her sitting on a guy's lap, whispering something to him but never taking her eyes off me. i know she's teasing me and it's working.

i pick my phone and i start texting her.

"go meet me near the restroom. we need to talk."

my gaze goes back at her and i can see she's reading my message. she looks back at me with a triumphant smile on her face, gets up and walks towards the restroom.

-hey, haiz. im going to pee. i'll be back. - i interrupt hailee's conversation with her friends.

-okay, i'll stay here. - she answers.

i walk to the restroom. scarlett is leaning against one of the walls in the hall. she's wearing the same red dress she wore to the party we met. it's so tight i can see her curves. i look her up and down and swallow hard after realizing what i just did. she smiles and i look away.

-so, what do u want? - she asks with the smile still on her face.

-why were u doing that? - i gaze her impassively.

-doing what? - her smile broadens.

-oh pls don't play dumb, you know very well what you were doing. - i roll my eyes at her.

-just to see ur reaction.

-are u still with lizzie?

-no, she decided to break up after the night u saw us--

-since when? - i interrupt her.


-since when have u two been together?

-since my trip to Paris...it's complicated. we had something in high school...

-great, fantastic! good to know! - i yell and i make gestures with my arms, looking away from her

when i try to go away she grabs my wrist.

-don't. - i say.

-pls max, u know i love u. - she comes closer to me and puts her arms around my neck.

-if u do u should had thought before u did all that shit.

i feel her nails scratch my neck. she is really playing with me, making a puppet out of me because she knows the effect she has on me. oh, i missed her touch.

-i couldn't control it. - she says almost whispering.

-u couldn't control it!? it was ur fucking choice! u should be able to control yourself! - im almost yelling at her.

-im sorry, baby. im really sorry. - it's incredible how she stays calm.

she gets closer and, holy shit, the perfume is the same she used the first night we met. what is she trying to do with all this? max, u can't get hard, don't get hard.

-no, stop. stop it. - i put my hands on her arms, forcing her to stop touching me.

she stands, looking at me. oh gosh, ik that if i stay here looking at her we might end in my bed. i can't do that. i shouldn't do that.

-bye scarlett. - i say and my voice fades.

-bye max. - she whispers and i leave.

i go back to haiz.

-oh gosh, that pee took long. ur fine?

i can see she has been drinking but I say nothing. i don't want to argue now.

-yeah yeah, let's go home.

when we arrive at my house i help haiz having a shower since she's too drunk. once i get her in bed, i lay down next to her and i check my phone. hailee is already asleep, she's too tired and im not, at all. after all that happened i just can't sleep. idk how i will face scarlett at work tomorrow and thinking about going on a business trip with her the next week just makes it all worse.

there's a message for me. and it's from scarlett.

"hey, baby. I can't wait to see u tomorrow. good night.

jeez, i never thought she could be this cringe. but ik she's just teasing me and i must confess that i love when she does that.

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