17 (hot part 2)

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max's pov

she goes towards the bedside table and takes a vibrator with an egg shape, along with a control. she hands me both and i stare at it.

-lay down. - i say.

she does what i say and i stare at her.

-open ur legs. - i command.

i plant kisses and hickeys on her neck, and then down to her breasts as i place the vibrator on the right place.

i turn it on and i hear the girl gasp. it is at the lowest power and my intention is to increase it.

-shall i make u come with this? - i ask as i kiss her earlobe.

-pls baby. - she asks paining. she's arching her back, searching for more touch.

i increase a bit and she grabs the bed's sheets. i increase it a bit more and she closes her eyes and she lays her head back, sinking into the pillow.

-a little bit more, baby girl? - i ask teasing her.

-oh max, i wanna feel u, pls...

-u don't want this?

-no, pls max...

she starts moaning louder and i stop the vibrator. i take it out and i put it on the bedside table. then, i place myself between her legs and i start to suck her. she starts moaning and i feel her hands on my hair, pulling me closer. she starts moving her hips, wanting more. i place two fingers inside her at the same time as i suck. oh her moans.

-ur so wet, baby. i like u wet.

i stop everything and i search for a condom on the bedside table. once i put it on i place myself inside her. i start moving slowly and then i thrust faster and harder.

-come on, scarlett. come.

i feel her nails scratching my back as she moans my name. she tightens around me and i know she's about to come, so do i.

-oh scarlett, baby. - i shout and we come together.

i collapse over her and we fall asleep.
i wake up and im still on top of her. we slept hugging each other. my head is on her breasts. i start nuzzling her breasts with my hand and kissing the places where i left hickeys as i smell her sent.

-hmmm - scarlett wakes up and smiles as she looks at what im doing.

-hey, baby.

-i feel sore but i like it. - she says and smiles.

-that's great. i like u sore, too.

when i reach up to i kiss her i notice that im still inside her, so i decide to tease. i go in and out, very slowly and i hear the girl protest something in the middle of the kiss. 

-just a little more, baby. - i whisper continuing the movements and hearing the girl moan softly.

-oh max...

-what baby? u want me to stop? - i ask teasingly.

-no, pls.

-why don't u ride? i miss that. u know how much i like it when u ride. - i start moving a bit faster and she moans.

i stop the moves and i get out of her. i lay down next to her and then she sits on me. she tilts her head back and moves slowly. my hands are on her waist, guiding her.

i move my hips up everytime she goes down and she moans even louder. she bends over me still moving her waist. she kisses my neck and leaves hickeys on that place. then she kisses me and i feel her tongue inside my mouth as she starts intensifying the moves. she stops the kiss and bits my lower lip, making me groan.

-u like playing, don't u? - i ask.

-oh i love it. - she smiles.

she moves even faster and i know that i'll come anytime. i kiss her neck, then her shoulder. my hands go down to her ass and i slap her. she's moaning louder and louder and we come together.

scarlett looks at me in the eyes and i caress her cheek.

-i could stay like this forever. - she murmurs.

-me too - i murmur back.

i check the time and it's 8 PM.

-it's time to have dinner, u wanna go out? - i ask.

-i barely can move so i suggest we order some food. - she giggles.

we order some pizza and we eat together on the living room, sitting in the couch and watching TV. none of us bothered to dress, we're too comfortable naked. i pick up my cell phone and realize i've abandoned haiz without telling her where i was. i have multiple missed calls and messages from the girl.

-oh no. - i say.

-what's wrong? - scarlett looks at me.

-i totally forgot. hailee is at home alone and she doesn't know where i am. she seems worried.

-u should call her, tell her ur okay.

-yeah, but i won't just say that im in ur apartment.

-say ur at work, finishing something and that u forgot to tell her.


i call haiz and she answers immediately.

-oh gosh, max. are u okay?

-yes, im fine. sorry.

-i was worried. where are u?

-im at work, finishing something. i totally forgot to tell u.

-is scarlett with u?

i look at scarlett waiting for her approval. she nods.

-yes...she is.



-i made some lasagna. - i hear her sobbing.

-haiz...don't cry, pls

-just stay safe, okay?

-i will, u too.

i end the call and scarlett is looking at me, waiting for an answer to an unspoken question. she comes closer and hugs me.

-u should talk with her. but first let her think about everything and then tomorrow u explain. - scarlett says.

-yeah, ur right.

well, this must have been the greatest day of this month. it's great that me and scarlett are back together and i must say that i missed all of the intense moments we have. i just don't know what to say to haiz. i'll have to think about that. but now all i want to do is to spend time with scarlett. i need her, and that's why i can't control myself around her.

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