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max's pov

one more day at work, one more day being a lucky man, working alongside with scarlett johansson. i mean, everyone here does feel the same, it's scarlett. she has the same effect on everybody, i can see by their expressions.

we haven't talked much this month, maybe she's wanting a "break". idk exactly why but i also don't want to ask her. being honest, i really miss her and it's been a month.

the only subject of our conversations these days is work. work, work, work, work:

"max, u have a meeting with some sponsors this week." "max, i need u to book our business trip to Milan"

i stop in the middle of the hallway.


i had totally forgotten about that.

-max, everything okay? - scarlett comes back to me side.

-yeah, i just remembered the trip to Milan. it's next week, right?

-yes, u booked the flight and the hotel, right?

-uhm...yeah, sure. i did that. - i swallow dry.

scarlett narrows her eyes. i feel like a little child now (have i shrunk?). then she continues walking and i follow her as i was doing before.

-if u forgot i recommend u to do that right now, understood? - she says without looking at me.

-yes, ma'am.

i go back to the office and a book the flight and the hotel. jeez, how did i forgot?  the door opens and scar enters in a rush. she sits on the chair behind her desk and leans back.

-coffee? - i ask, looking at her.

-please. - she answers. her eyes are closed.

on the way to the cafeteria to make coffee i run into lizzie.

-hey max! - she says and smiles.

-hi, i didn't expect u here.

-oh, scarlett needed help with all the company work and asked me to come. - she smiles and messes with her hair.

-so ur also coming to the sponsors meeting this week?


-well, i gotta go and make some coffee. see u.

-bye bye. - she says.
-hey scar! - i shout before she gets in the car.

she stands next to the cars open door and waits until i reach her.

-what is happening between us? - i ask. - i miss u and i just don't understand what's happening. why this distance?

-max, im just tired with all the amount of work we're having this month...

-and what, u want space? u want some distance?

-no, is just...work, that's what i've been doing this month and that's what i do everyday, even after i leave the office. i have no spare time for the rest.

-alright, do whatever u want.
im lying on the couch, thinking about life.  silence helps me to think, but sometimes i overthink and i know that makes me sick.

the doorbell rings, putting me out of transe, and i wonder who it is. i open the door and it's haiz. she is sobbing and her eyes are red from crying.

before im able to say a word she hugs me tightly. she starts crying and i feel her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. one of my hands runs over her back and the other caresses her hair.

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